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After 4 weeks Gulf was  transferred to the special ward room in the hospital. His condition was never better. He was still in coma.

Mew stood by his side all along. Never left his side. He already revealed the truth about Diva to Gulf's parents. But it only added to their heartbreak. They realised how much they have hurted their son.
It's really true that the words spoken out of anger cannot be taken back.

"Mr Mew, I think now you can take Gulf home. But we will still continue with the routine check ups and therapies. 
Gulf might not be able to react but his inner self might be understanding everything we do. So now what he need is a change of atmosphere. So it will be better if you take him home. Give him good care and love. Let's hope for his fast recovery", said the doctor after his daily check up on Gulf.

Mew was never ready to loose hope. He assured to take care of Gulf.

Gulf's parents was also listening to what the doctor said.

"Mew, it would be better if we take him to our home, as he is in this condition", said Mrs Ron.

"No mom, I won't leave Gulf, I wanted to be with him, by his side, I wanted to take care of him" , Mew said with a teary eye.

"But he needs you too, I will come with you...let's....let's stay together from now own" Mew added.

After a day Gulf was brought to his own home.

Mew carefully layed Gulf on his bed.
He gave him a bed bath, changed his clothes, and gave him the medicines.

Gulf's wounds was not yet healed. Once soft and smooth skin is now covered with scars here and there. He have got plasters on his left leg. The scariest was the one wound on the left hand. The wound was in-depth. Mew still remembers giving kisses to those soft hands.

"If only I had trusted you a bit", Mew told hugging Gulf's legs as an apology. He was shedding tears.

When it was time for the sleep, Mew gently lay beside Gulf.

He softly touched Gulf's face with his palm. He was silently crying beside Gulf. And then he said,

"Gulf, I am sorry for not believing you, I am sorry for saying those hurtful words. I love you Gulf. I wish I said it a bit earlier. But you are my whole thing Gulf.
Please come back to me. Just one more chance , please give me one more chance to treasure you. I don't want anything more in this life than you. Please Gulf , please come back to me. Can you hear me Gulf. I am here with you. And I promise I will never leave your side again."

Mew  wiped his tears and gently caressed Gulf's face. The memories of their good time together flashed through his mind. His heart breaks everytime when remembers smiling Gulf. 

Mew gently placed a kiss on the cheek of Gulf. And whispered in his ears, ' I love you Gulf' and then he cried himself to sleep.


So yeah here is the extra update that I promised. Hope you enjoy sad dramas. I really like sad parts more .

What kind of emotions do you guys like??

See you :)

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