Emergence of an evil spell!

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Mew and Gulf were going as per the plans,but the unresistible attraction  was making them hard to let go of each other.

Deep down in his mind Mew knew that what he was doing is not fair. It was not fair towards Gulf nor towards his girlfriend. But he was not able to sort out his feelings.

He was not ready to detach himself from Gulf's warmth. At the same time he didn't wanted to hurt his girlfriends feelings.  

The bond between them was growing more and more as each day passes. They were happy. But whenever Gulf see Mew with his girlfriend he felt sad and guilty.
He tried to resist himself, he tried to avoid Mew's touch, but the more he tried the more he got attached towards Mew.

They really cared for each other. But neither of them expressed it through words. They often visited eachothers parents. Spend time with them. Gulf's parents were really happy to see Gulf happy with Mew.

Mew could feel the sudden change in Gulf's mood whenever Diva visited Mew in their apartment. But not just Gulf, but Mew was also feeling hurt for not being able to take a decision without hurting the other one.

That night Diva spend the night in their apartment.

Mew and Diva was in one room and Gulf alone in the other room. Diva was missing Mew too much that she insisted on spending the night with Mew. 

That was the first time Mew and Gulf were seperated to spend the night.

Gulf was feeling sad at the thought about Mew spending the night with his girlfriend. He really wanted the night to end so bad. He was not getting any sleep.  He was sitting in the balcony attached  to their main hall ( living room).

Even though Diva asked Mew to sleep with her, but he just excused himself by putting a lame excuse that he was tired after the work. She didn't put much pressure. After making sure that she is asleep Mew came out of the room.

He went on to look for Gulf in their room. But he found the room empty.
Later he saw him sitting in the balcony.

"Hard to sleep? ", Asked Mew.

"Kind of ", said Gulf,but actually seeing Mew was a relif for Gulf too.

"Hmm", hummed Mew.

"G...gulf", Mew was feeling hard to call out Gulf.

Gulf looked towards Mew.

"I.......I am sorry. I didn't wanted to complicate things but it's just hard, really hard to make a choice. I wanted to let go of her but I am afraid that it might hurt her", Mew said keeping his head low, sounding really sad.

Gulf felt like a person who committed a sin by being the reason for spoiling a relation.

Gulf could no longer face Mew being sad. He stood up to go back to the room but was held back by Mew.

Gulf please, just please , don't avoid me. Give me some time to make  things clear.  Just please don't let go off my hold.

Mew was back-hugging Gulf.  Gulf  could feel the pain in Mews words. Gulf turned to face Mew to return the hug. Gulf sad mind felt at ease in Mews warm hug.

But  neither did they noticed that all this was witnessed by Diva.

She was feeling betrayed. She was fuming in anger towards Gulf.

" So you are trying to steal my boyfriend huh. Dirty bitch!!. I will never allow you to steal my baby from me. He was never like this . Never in his life he was attracted towards a boy. Mew is in this state because of you. You are nothing but a shameless bitch to steal others boyfriends. What the hell did you do to change my Mew's mind? I will definitely rip your face infront of my Mew. I will get him back to me at any cost. Just wait and see, your days are counted" thought Diva , fuming in anger and pain.

She was silently witnessing the scene. A tear run out through her eyes. She just returned silently towards her room wiping away her tears.

The next few days she was thinking of doing something to seperate Mew from Gulf. But most of them got flopped either one way or other. 

She was discussing her problems with one of her friend Riya, to whom she is very close to.

"Why did you allowed this to happen in the first place?Like why in the world you allowed your boyfriend to get married?"
Asked Riya.

"Mew assured that it's fake, moreover his family was pressurising him to get married to their family friend.  So there was no choice. He wanted to show his parents that he was gay, so that they won't  pressurise him to marry that girl. Once everything is sorted out he said that he will get divorced and later present our matter before the family,"said Diva.

"But never in the world I knew that Gulf would actually try to seduce my boyfriend. I am pretty sure that he had put on one hell of a drama to make Mew think about letting go of me." Diva added,  sounding really frustrated.

"Please don't be sad Diva" Riya tried to console Diva.

"How can I feel at ease. I don't have much time to waste. By now that faggot might be pressurising Mew to breakup with be for sure. Uff I just  hate him," said Diva.

"Let's get that creep out of your life, I have an idea", said Riya.

"What is it"?? Asked Diva.

Riya murmured the plan close to Diva's ears.

"Uff!! But I am afraid, what if it didn't worked out"? Replied Diva widening her eyes?

"Just trust me, I will help you out with this, but whatever it is, we have to do it really quick," said Riya.

A/N: What will be their plan? Will they succeed in seperating Gulf from Mew??

I apologize if the usage of the words faggot and creep annoyed anybody in any manner. It's just for the sake of the story.

Stay happy

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