Breakdown :(

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Mew was holding Diva, who was sobbing.

Mew's eyes was filled with warm tears. He heart was wrecked by what he heard.

Mew asked Riya to hold Diva and walked close to Gulf who was standing still with a pale face.

Gulf was frightened by Mew's look which was turning  angry.

Mew came closer to Gulf and


He slapped Gulf.

Gulf covered that part of the face with his palm and looked at Mew with tears streaming down his face. His  face turned red, lips was trembling.

"Mew......I..." Gulf was stuttering.

Mew didn't give Gulf enough time to complete the sentence. Before that he hold Gulf by his collar.

"Why Gulf? Why did you do this to me?

He slapped him again.

Gulf was sobbing. He was trying hard to hold back his tears. When Mew was about to slap him again he stopped .
Mews heart was shattered to see him crying.

Gulf heart was broken when Mew slapped him. Mew was not even giving him a gap to explain. His head was exploding in pain.

"Mew I didn't do anything , please trust me Mew" , Gulf pleaded with teary eyes.

"What more do you want you jerk, stop acting innocent, Mew do you think she would lie for such things?" said Riya.

Gulf  heart was shattered.

Mew slowly let go of Gulf. 

He dropped down to the floor. He was slowly releasing his tears.

Gulf came close to Mew, he took hold of Mew's hand .

"Mew, please....." , I didn't, Gulf said to Mew who was panting due to the sobs.

Mew pushed away Gulf .

Gulf fall apart on the floor.

" So thats what all you wanted, right Gulf, you just wanted to feel the pleasure. And nothing more. Was I not enough?
Why her Gulf? 
Now I know why you didn't pressure me to make a decision for us . Afterall all you wanted was sexual pleasure right," Mew said with a teary eye and a tiny smirk.

Gulf's heart was shattered into million pieces when he heard this. That was more than enough for Gulf's heart to bear. He loved Mew. But when he said that all he cared about was just sexual pleasure , he was broken in and out.
He panted hard. He  felt hard to breath. He felt like somebody stab him in the chest.

"I shouldn't have trusted you in the first phase itself. I thought you were fragile inside. Never knew that there was such an evil inside you. You even used me to fulfill your selfish needs all this time."
Said Mew looking at Gulf.

He went close to Gulf and grabbed his collar again and said with a smirk
" A selfish brat like you deserve nothing but a pathetic life. Now I think you are the evil spark that ruined your family , 'cause there won't be peace when there is a presence of a devil like you. "

"I was about to break up with her for a jerk like you . Because you know what , because I fell in love with you. Now I hate you to the core. No... I hate myself for falling for you " Mew added ,  crying hard.

Gulf felt like the world stopped spinning.
He listened to everything Mew said. Everything Mew said was like knives stabbing him in the heart. He felt pain all over his body. He felt hard to breath. He felt speechless . Everytime when Mew said things that hurt him , he wanted so badly to say that he didn't do anything , but he felt so powerless to defend himself. He had no more energy to take anything anymore.

But everything was witnessed by another couple too who stood outside trying hard to hold back their tears.

That was Mr and Mrs Ron , Gulf's parents. Mew actually asked them to wait in the car. But they ran out of patience and went out see their loving son Gulf, only to witness such a tear jerking event.

"Gulf" called out Mrs Ron.

Gulf was shocked to hear his mother's voice. He felt trembled. His vision was blur.

She came close to Gulf. Gulf stood up. He was trying hard to keep the balance.

She slapped him, began to puch him in the chest.

But she was suddenly pulled back by Mr Ron.

"Everything was because of you.I sacrificed my entire life for you. But why did you turned out to be like this Gulf, said Mrs Ron sobbing.

" Everything was perfect until you were born. Since the day you was born, my life was wrecked. I fought with your father for you . I tried to hold on with every struggles for you , to give you a complete family. I even agreed to step back from getting divorce for the sake of your married life. But what did I got in return. I don't feel like living anymore after giving birth to such an evil. I wish you were not born" said Mrs Ron hugging her husband. Both were crying hard.

Gulf was dead inside after hearing everything. He was already shattered by what Mew said. But what his mother said was more than enough to make him lifeless.

None of them trusted him. None was not the least willing to hear his side. Everyone was convinced by what Diva said and the way she looked. Gulf felt like he met the dead end. Everyone marked him as an evil. A rapist. Even his mother said that she wished he was not born. That was really heartbreaking for a person like Gulf for whom family was a weak point. He wished he was dead at the moment . He wished everything to be just a bad dream.

Gulf stopped the crying. He just wiped away his tears. He turned back to have a last look at Mew who was still trying hard to hold back his tears and anger.

He moved towards his mother.

"Sorry for everything mom", said Gulf

She didn't even looked at Gulf neither gave a reply.

He walked past them and went forward and gave a slight smile to Diva and Riya.

He took his bike keys which he had placed over the side table near the front door and left the apartment.

Gulf rushed the downstairs to the parking. He get on the bike and rushed.

Every thing that happened flashed through his head once again. Everything was hard to bear. His heart could no longer hold anymore pain. He felt weak . Everything seems to be so painful that he really wanted to escape. He really decided to escape to remove  the evil from everyone's life.

His tears was making the vision blur. He increased the speed to a point he finally lost all his control.


His bike hit hard on a road side tree and he was thrown away to fall on the road hitting  his head on the road. Within seconds he was covered with blood. A last tear slide down his eyes . Soon his vision faded.

Double update. I was literally crying while writing this. 

Stay happy and keep supporting.

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