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Wow!! Common let's get married and have sex and have kids...come baby come come..Gulf said it sarcastically by opening his hand wide inviting Mew for a hug.

What a brilliant idea...Gulf said clapping his hand and laughing, "my dog will marry you".

Mew just wait for the show to get over for giving a better explanation.

Gulf stopped laughing after a few moments when he didn't receive an expected response from Mew.

Now will you let me explain , asked Mew.

".......", Gulf just stood there staring at Mew.

"Let's get into a contract marriage. Let's declare to our family that we are in love and we wanted to get married. I am 100% sure that my family can no longer proceed the marriage alliance with our family friend after they came to know that I am gay. And about your side, if your family really cares about your wellbeing, they will surely not proceed with the divorce when their son is getting married. What do you think about this plan " asked Mew.

Seeing Gulf's facial makes Mew to feel that he is not clear with the plan.

"Umm..this plan may work out for you but I don't think this will make my parents stop from getting divorced", replied Gulf.

"Well we can't conclude something before giving it a try. Just trust me. Let's put on some melodrama infront of our parents and make sure that they fall for it", Mew smirked.

Wait, let's pretend that we succeeded the first step, but what's after?? What about your girlfriend? How will we end the marriage after the contract winds up? How can you guarantee that my parents won't split up after my marriage? Gulf began to put forward questions one after another.

Are you a reporter? Mew asked widening his eyes, followed by a puppy smirk, "cool down, let me just think for a while about this okay... I need time to make a masterplan".

With that both of them stood by the bridge, both were engulfed by the cold wind.

Mew began to talk breaking the silence between them, " after convincing our family that we are in love, let's get married. I will be there with you to convince your parents not to get divorced for the sake of us. And for my girlfriend, I will handle her, afterall I am doing all this for her.

Let's pretend to be in marriage for at least six months. After that lets get divorced. Let's put on some drama that we are having a horrible married life. Seeing you broken will surely melt your parents heart. They will surely stand up for you and will stay by your side together. Then you can marry someone whom you and your family truly love and can stay together with your family.

Sounds good right ,asked Mew. And I will marry my love after us getting seperated.
I will convince my parents that choosing you was a mistake. And I will introduce my girlfriend as the healer of my broken heart.

Are you ready for the plan partner, Mew asked putting forward his hand for a heroic handshake.

Gulf returned the handshake with a drunken smirk


Both of them greeted each other followed by a warm hug in the cold wind.

The two young men; both tall , handsome, drunk, who arrived at the bridge to end their lives ',one was adamant and other was confused. But fate had other plans.
One made the other guy to postpone his attempt to finish off his life.

But none of them knew that fate was a dirty player in their lives.


A/N: hey another short update. Hope you are liking the story. Share your reactions through comments and votes. Thankyou in advance :)

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