Chapter Four

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Tonight, however, he caught Sage trying to sleep underneath the crib in her fur. As Rue was being extra fussy since this morning. Remus knew that the pup's discomfort was making his mate on edge, and he made a mental note to bring the pups to Kenzie if Rue still felt hot in the morning.

"Sage Hera Moon, we can't sleep in here with the pups."

Yes we can, no rules.

"That's not true, we have to make rules for ourselves. Only when the pup's sick we can do that, alright? Now it's my turn to get some cuddles." That certainly caught her attention, and she hurried under the crib and shifted back to skin.

"You want to cuddle?" Goddess, did this she-wolf not understand what he and his wolf wanted to do with her?
Especially standing in front of him completely and utterly bare?

Remus didn't waste another moment as he picked her up, his legs automatically going to wrap around him. Which only drove him further off the railings. Kenzie recommended that they don't mate at the risk of Sage receiving her heat again.

And while it was always a blessing, Sage going through the stress of heat or another pregnancy was unfair. Which meant he made the difficult decision of keeping to himself.

So he looked forward to these moments, just to hold his exhausted mate. It was almost like magic to see her start to stir awake just as one of the pup's cried.

He did his best to study them, and while he couldn't feed them just yet—Remus found himself always being the one to burp them afterward.

In looking at them from just above the crib, it was slightly difficult to tell one another apart. Especially when they're slumbering away, but when they were awake—It seemed like Ronan's eyes were darker than Rue's.
Though both grey, it was the shade that differed.

When the day finally came where Remus was scheduled to go back to being proper acting Alpha, it meant that Hayes would be coming over and enjoying the time as a grandfather before he'd return back to the council.

Even with his arrival and his word, the council didn't believe that Sage was pregnant or that the Moon line now has heirs. It sounded too perfect that the most allied packs to them would try and convince the council of the truth, however what really struck Remus in a rage...Was the Luna's that gave Sage such a hard time at the meeting—They were in full force in calling Crescent Moon on their lies.

But it was tough to lie about Alpha pups. And the truth would soon be revealed to the rest of America. It was just a matter of time before they'd see, but Remus felt awfully protective of the pups.

He checked in on them every hour. And to appease her mate, Sage would send him pictures or videos every now and again. Whether they were in skin or fur.

"Sage upped the pup videos, huh?" Jack called out, plopping yet another folder onto the desk making his Alpha groan. "Do you miss sleeping in the den?" He asked, and Remus nodded, which honestly shocked Jack at his leader's honesty.

"It was just us, you know...Pure instinct. Sure Sage and I talked here and there, I didn't have to worry about all this. And I sure as hell didn't feel like breaking my hand over a signature."
"So the quicker you get this done, the quicker you can go and see Sage and the pups...Did you tell her about Blake yet?" Remus sucked in a breath. It almost slipped his mind.

"No, she's busy with the pups. Did he say anything about returning?" Jack remained silent and gnawed at his cheek. "No. But he's not far. The Ember Circle is only an hour or so away. Raven needed healing from her coven...Aurelia said if she wanted to live here, then she had her aunt's blessing but—I guess that's up to you."
"Warren said her blessings on living on pack grounds? I don't know the first thing a witch needs." "Neither does Blake. He went to learn. And Sage must've been a good judge of character. She's a sweetheart." At the reminder of where his old bachelor buddy had gone off to, it left Jack pouting.

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