Chapter 7 - We promised not to tell..

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“Did your mother put you up to this?” The nineteen year old Melanie asked as she gazed down at the diamond ring.

“Not quite the reaction I was hoping for.” Nicholas lowered his eyes.

The two of them were seated at a restaurant; The candles that flickered on each side of Nicholas hands threw tempting reflections in the glittering engagement ring.

“I'm sorry, it's just..” Melanie leant forward and lowered her voice.

“Just last week you said your mother was threatening to strike you out of her will if you didn't get married..”

“I'm proposing to you, Mel.” Nicholas shook his head the slightest.

“Can we not talk about my mother's will right now?”

A waitress came to remove the empty plates from their table.

“Mel, I want to marry you because you're the only person who believes in me. You're the only one who has supported my dreams of becoming an actor..” He reached the ring towards her again.

“And when I do become one, I wont need to be in my mother's will anyway. I'll become rich on my own and I'll take good care of you. I'll treat you to other, better restaurants and I'll never let anything bad happen to you.”

“Nick.” Melanie smiled.

“I know you're afraid that something bad will happen to me, because of what me and my friends witnessed back in school.. But it's been three years already, and everything is still okay.” She reached her left hand out.

“But I guess I will feel more safe with you by my side..”

Nicholas placed the ring around her finger.


Melanie woke up as someone dragged their car keys against the bars of the prison room which she had spent the entire day in. She sat up from her less than comfortable bed and massaged her neck. Nicholas put his keys back in his pocket and pressed his hands around the bars. He seemed both concerned and sad and he waved his hand the slightest as a sign for Melanie to come closer.

“Any news?” Melanie mumbled as she reached him.

“Good or bad first?”


“Well..” Nicholas began.

“Now that Tony is behind bars, a witness has dared to step forward. It seems that the USB wasn't needed after all, because said witness filmed everything on their phone. Meaning, there is proof that Tony killed that man at the restaurant, right before he suffered from a heart attack and was taken to the hospital where you-” He hesitated.

“Like I was saying, they have evidence against Tony, so you wont have to worry about him anymore.”

“And the bad news?”

“The only fingerprints found on the gun involved in Sara's murder were yours.” He lowered his eyes.

“They will most likely have a lot of questions for you in court tomorrow.. But we have a good lawyer, so..”

Melanie swallowed and gave him a nod.

“You know what the worst part is?” Tears formed in her eyes.

“I don't know if I'm innocent or not.”

“You are.” He gave her a confirming nod.

“The evidence that the police have gathered so far can only be true, but that doesn't mean that someone didn't set you up.”

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