Chapter 9 - The box holds the truth

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Felicia rubbed her hands against her face in a try to stay awake; the hours moved by too slowly and still there hadn't been any news. The hospital corridor was left empty now after a long night of rushing patients and doctors.

She stood up from the bench to walk over to the window of Miranda's room. She couldn't see anything; the nurse had shut the curtains a long time ago, but she knew that the news weren't good; the sound of Zandra crying had gotten louder and more painful during the past hour.

Felicia turned back as someone came rushing down the corridor. It was the first sign of life for what seemed like a very long time, as Felicia had waited on that bench all night. Sometime in between a cleaning lady and a vomiting patient, Jeremy had called her. He had now finally made his way to the hospital and was rushing towards her.

“Where is she?” He huffed as he reached her, placing his hands on his knees to catch his breath.

“Where is Melanie?”

Felicia frowned and her gaze found its way back to the curtains.

“I've been missing all night and you're asking about Melanie? What a great pretend boyfriend you are, indeed.”

Jeremy stretched his back out, he was her friend and he had always supported and looked after her but right at this moment he had to make sure that he could keep his job.

“Melanie went missing. She's supposed to be in court in about an hour from now.” He began.

“If we can't find her..” He followed her gaze.

“Is she in there? Was she in another accident?”

Felicia only shook her head, slowly, almost unnoticeable. Melanie wasn't in there, Melanie was safe and sound in a hotel somewhere with Claire. Miranda on the other hand, was shut away behind those ugly, dusty curtains.

“I don't know what's going on here but..” Jeremy began.

“This is my last chance to keep my job. I prompted Joseph to take that shift even though I knew he would fall asleep. If I can't get Melanie back to the station before Watson arrives, I'm done. No more, I'll have a one way ticket back to unemployment.” He grabbed onto her shoulders to make her face him.

“Felicia! Please, you've been my friend for this long, are you really going to do this to me just to side with Melanie?”

Felicia bit her bottom lip the slightest before she moved her arm away from his grip. Jeremy understood her silence. The door next to Felicia slowly opened as Jeremy hurried down the corridor and Zandra stumbled out from the hospital room.

Felicia supported her and knelt down as Zandra did the same. She slowly shook her head and no words were needed, Felicia had seen it coming, she had gone over the scenario so many times that night; Miranda hadn't survived.

“Kevin..” Zandra whispered, bit her teeth together and raised her head to gaze back at Felicia through tear filled eyes.

“How do we kill him..?”


Flashes. They were like flashes, just like those coming from the paparazzi, just as bright and sudden, leaving Melanie just as disoriented. Her memories were like flashes, but they hit deeper than any camera ever could. They didn't only arrive in dreams now, but they broke their way into her awake life. Short, not always making much sense, but definitely real.

She was taking a shower at a hotel that she and Claire had escaped to; she had wanted to come with the others to the hospital but going back would only lead her to court and later on jail. With Kevin in the picture and her friends threatened, there was no way that she would let herself be put behind bars.

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