Chapter 8 - Kevin

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“School sure is different during night time..” The sixteen year old Melanie White led her group of friends up the dark stairs to the second floor.

“Good thing that janitor Johnson was kind enough to hand us the keys.”

“And with 'kind enough'..” Zandra began.

“You mean annoyed enough to come help us out, after Miranda's constant nagging.”

“Hey..” Miranda exclaimed.

“We really need these books before tomorrow, and it's not like the janitor is in any need of his beauty sleep anyway.”

“It was mostly thanks to Samuel though.” Claire yawned, and as Chloe seemed confused over this statement, Claire continued;

“The janitor's son.” She gave Chloe a small pat on the shoulder; Chloe had met up with them outside of school and missed the less than exciting visit to Mr Johnson's house.

“Apparently he needed the same books, so he convinced his father to drive us here and let us in..”

“Huh.” Chloe and the others had reached their lockers.

“But Samuel is not in our class is he?”

Claire shrugged, and before anyone had a chance to continue the conversation, a loud crash came from the third floor.

“We.. We are the only ones here, right?” Melanie stuttered as the six friends gazed up at the ceiling.

“Positive.” Sara closed her locker and clung onto her books.

“Hey, get your books already..”

Zandra and Miranda closed their lockers and tucked the books down a backpack; they shared the same backpack just like they shared the same family. The two of them were sisters.

“Claire..” Sara whispered.

“Get your book.. I want to leave..”

Claire was walking up and down the corridor, to then lean against a stair rail in a try to see if anything was moving on the floor above them. Claire had always been one for adventure. Melanie opened Claire's locker to gather her books; she knew the locker combination as her friend had been too lazy to pick her own things up more than once.

“Someone's coming..” Claire clenched her hands around the rail while waiting for someone to arrive from the third floor.

But the steps were coming from the first floor and soon Felicia came huffing up the stairs to join them.

“What are you all doing here?” She asked as a drop of sweat ran down her forehead.

“We could ask you the same thing.” Zandra gazed back at her classmate.

“Forgot my bag..” Felicia opened her locker after pushing Melanie aside.

Soon steps were heard again and this time they were for sure coming from the third floor. Claire seemed intrigued by the exciting happenings at the dark school, while Sara on the other hand only seemed frightened.

“Come on you guys, let's leave..”

“Afraid of ghosts are you?” Felicia taunted her as she slammed her locker shut; which caused a noise loud enough for Sara to twitch.

Felicia wobbled down the stairs but the steps from the third floor got closer and faster. Sara clung onto her books again and Claire hurried back to the stairs to see what was going on. The sound of books dropping to the floor was heard followed by Felicia's ever so annoyed voice;

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