Chapter 5 - You killed me, didn't you?

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Claire seemed very peaceful, sleeping in the hospital room. In the bed next to hers laid Felicia, who had also fainted shortly after Claire. The examinations had shown of harmless medications used to help people fall asleep, but an unusually big amount of it had been found in the bodies of both women.

It hadn't taken very long for Melanie to realize that it must have been mixed into Claire's coffee, which Felicia had drunk from as well. Melanie stood up to leave the room after having watched over them in silence for the past thirty minutes. The hallway was close to empty, next to a few nurses and Jeremy, who was deep in conversation by a payphone.

“Good to hear, sir.. I assume the case is closed then.” He turned around to gaze back at Melanie.

“I see.. I will look for it.” Jeremy hung up and Melanie took a few steps down the hallway to walk past him.

“The USB.” Jeremy began, stopping her.

“Do you have it?”

Melanie pursed her mouth.

“Even if I did, I wouldn't remember, now would I?” She turned back.

“Besides, Claire said she gave it to Tony.”

“Well Tony and his gang are all at the police station.” Jeremy began.

“He doesn't have it, nor is it hidden in the warehouse. Speaking of which..” He grabbed a white bag from the floor and handed it to Melanie.

“You forgot this at Tony's hideout. You also forgot your gun, funny, how you didn't mention to me earlier that you were carrying a weapon.” His sarcasm shone through.

“You see, Melanie.. I wanted to help you. To believe in you. But the evidence right now are truly speaking against you. Did you really side with Tony?”

“This is ridiculous.” Melanie bit her teeth together and continued her walk down the corridor, but soon stopped as Nicholas came walking towards her, dressed in a hoodie and a pair of sunglasses, in a lame try to hide his celebrity identity.

Melanie remembered what she had overheard before leaving his house earlier, he had talked about a deal which had involved 'getting rid of her'. Melanie backed up so fast that she almost stumbled over her own feet.

“You want an answer to your investigation?” She mumbled to a confused Jeremy.

“It's him, he's behind everything.”

Jeremy leant his head to the side, in a try to spot someone behind Nicholas.


“Nicholas!!” Melanie hissed, biting her teeth together.

“He said he had a deal with someone, it has to be Tony!!”

“Mr Young.” Jeremy greeted him, not paying much attention to Melanie's words.

Nicholas removed his sunglasses. His eyes pierced straight through Melanie.

“I heard you were here.. I'm sorry for the trouble officer, she seems to be a bit out of her mind today..”

“You don't say.” Jeremy agreed.

“Do we still have an agreement?” Nicholas began.

“She stays with me until your investigation is finished?”

“No!” Melanie called out, making the two men turn to face her.

“You're behind this, aren't you?! I heard you! I heard you talking to Tony over the phone!”

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