Chapter 4 - Why did you leave me?

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“Why did you leave me?” Claire had a way of letting her frustrations out on her friends.

The eighteen year old Melanie rushed up the stairs to reach the third floor of her high school; she was already late for the dreaded math test in Mr Wilson's class.

Even though her friend Claire wasn't part of the same math group, she was rushing along with her, desperate to show her complaints to not only Melanie but to everyone else on the third floor who now curiously turned around to eavesdrop on their conversation.

“Because you told me to.” Melanie huffed as she reached the end of the stairs and took to the right.

“You told me to not interfere.”

With her mind caught up between the never ending complaints that came from her friend and the square root of.. The.. square root of..

“What's a square root?” Melanie exclaimed, desperately trying to prepare herself for the test.

As she turned back to face her friend, while still rushing down the corridor, she soon bumped into someone who had come rushing out of a close by classroom. Melanie's books dropped to the floor.

“Watch it!” Claire called out to the guy who had just bumped into them; he didn't even turn back to excuse himself.

“Ugh, one of those guys from the theater team..” She shook her head.

The two teenage girls both knelt down to gather the books and notes.

“Back to what I was saying..” Claire wasn't planning to let the subject go anytime soon.

“There's a difference between interfering and saving your friend from the most embarrassing moment of her life.” She mumbled as she shoved the books to her friend before the two of them got up from the floor.

That morning, she had made it very clear that Melanie was to not interfere with her love confession to the leader of the football team. Melanie had opposed to the idea ever since Claire had realized her crush a few months back, but as Claire was quite the stubborn friend, she had convinced Melanie to leave the football field after the gym class and let her confess her love.

Now the reason behind Claire's frustrations was simply a cruel rejection, and she was taking it out on Melanie for, what she called it; not trying to stop her.

“Are we planning to take this test anytime today?” Mr Wilson grumbled as he stuck his head out the door a few feet in front of them.

Melanie gave her friend a quick smile before she hurried off, she was sure of it; lunch break would be the continuation of Claire's complaints.


She was slowly coming back to her senses, but the smell of chloroform still lingered under her nose. Melanie rubbed her hand against her forehead while giving out a moan, why was she having these dreams? Dreams of her high school days.

She would have much rather dreamed about her later years, at least that way she would have remembered. Something, anything, she just needed something to hold onto, something other than images of her older memories. Just one or two things to point her into the right direction, to tell her who she was.

“She's waking up..” Someone whispered, and as Melanie opened her eyes, her gaze stopped at the dark sunglasses in front of her.

The woman she had seen in the bathroom stood in front of her, studying her every move, before she slowly backed away. Melanie blinked a few times as she let her gaze wander over the dusty warehouse that she had been taken to. She had been seated in a somewhat torn arm chair which smelled an awful lot like rats.

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