Chapter 15 - The last piece of memory

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“Thank you.” Melanie opened the door of the police car.

The streets were empty, luckily. Watson had convinced the others to let him bring Melanie to say goodbye to Zandra, but in truth he was letting her escape, all so that she wouldn't tell the other officers about his past crime.

He gave her a quick nod and made sure that no one was watching. Melanie closed the car door and hurried down the sidewalk with her hands in her pockets. The tears had begun to roll down her cheeks again, not in single form anymore but more like streams. She dried it off with the sleeve of her coat and sniffled the slightest as she continued her walk.

A few citizens appeared from behind a corner and stopped to point and whisper. Wasn't that her? Melanie Young? Before they would have run after her, asking for autographs but now, all they did was to wonder why she wasn't behind bars. She hurried her steps and flashes of lost memory came to her once again.

This time, the memories showed of Chloe, who had been standing out on the streets somewhere near the docks. She had waved her hands, they had been arguing, arguing about life and fame and whose life was better and Melanie hadn't been able to hold back. She had told Chloe that her life as Mrs Young was definitely better even though she hadn't meant it.

She hadn't meant it at all but she hadn't wanted for the truth to be leaked. Didn't want for others to know that Nicholas Young had forced her to become this way, that he was indeed a very selfish man and not at all the one media made him out to be. She had pushed Chloe away, who had tripped on her high heels and hit her head.

Chloe had hit her head and her blood had smeared over Melanie's hands as she had tried to hold her up from the asphalt. Melanie had tried to help, had called the ambulance and had ended up wiping her hands on her coat.. Wiping Chloe's blood on her coat..

“It's Mrs Young!” Another citizen exclaimed and she was pulled back to the present moment.

She sniffled harder, now that she remembered how Chloe's blood had gotten onto her coat, she wished to tell someone, but there was no one around to believe her. She remember this, and she remembered Ms Moore, but not why or how she had gotten involved with Tony's gang and their crimes in the first place.

Someone patted her shoulder and stuck out a paper for her to sign, but Melanie only hurried her steps. She dried her tears again, huffing as she began to jog. She took a turn into an empty alley and pressed her back against the wall to sit down on the ground.

She didn't care that the asphalt in the alley was very dirty, something that would have bothered her a lot in the past. She tried to fight against her impulses and everything that she had become. She picked up her phone and turned it back on. A few silent moments went by but the phone soon rang. She clenched her hand around it before she decided to pick up.

“Melanie?” Jeremy spoke up on the other side.

“Melanie, where are you?”

She sniffled and took a deep breath while gazing up at the darkening sky.

“Are you crying..?” He asked.

“Why are you crying?”

“Why wouldn't I cry?” She sighed.

“What's there not to cry about?”

He stayed silent. She could hear him breathing as he had begun to walk faster.

“Well..” He began.

“The stars will be showing soon. The stray cat at the 7th street stole a fish from the mean fisherman. Tomorrow is payday... For some of us. I'm sure there's something to smile about.”

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