Chapter 10 - Impossible

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Their voices were so close yet so far away, blurry and non important even though their discussion was more than so. Melanie and Claire had met up with Felicia and Zandra at a hotel two hours away from their home town. From the very moment that they had entered the room and closed the door behind them, the argues had begun.

“But we're not! We're not doing anything!” Claire was seated in a small couch in front of Melanie, who was standing up with her back leant against a bookcase.

“All we're doing now is to run away!”

Felicia was walking in circles.

“Claire! You're the one who was already running away even before we knew that Kevin was after us!! Why is this a problem to you?”

“Because he killed Chloe!” Claire shouted back as she threw a newspaper to the table.

The front page spoke of a woman who had been stabbed in an alley not far from the airport and the name which had already leaked through to the curious ears of media, had confirmed Melanie's fears; Chloe had been killed.

Three were down already. Out of the seven friends who had witnessed that gruesome moment at school that night, three were down and the remaining four were now arguing on what their next move would be; to fight or to run away.

But their voices were blurry and unimportant to Melanie who hadn't been able to concentrate on the discussion for more than ten minutes before her thoughts had escaped elsewhere. Non of it made sense to her. To the others, all there was now was an escape from Kevin and their past, an escape from a murderer who carried a very clear goal with an already known intention.

But to Melanie, there was so much more. So many more pieces to a puzzle which she couldn't seem to finish. Sara was dead and the bullet had been traced back to a gun which Melanie had carried in her bag, a bag which didn't quite match the bloodstains on her coat. There had been videos of her committing not only one but two crimes and she had left Claire behind before she had apparently gotten into an accident.

None of it made sense and Claire seemed to have forgotten it all as she was now focusing on convincing Felicia to run back into the arms of a murderer. To make it worse, Melanie's memories were still coming back to her in small pieces, almost always playing before her like a drama.

“It feels so close..” Zandra was sitting on the windowsill, her head leant against the window.

“Revenge.” She continued, her voice was weak, almost non existent.

“Yet I barely have the energy or will to reach out and take it.”

The other women watched her in silence before Claire gave Zandra a quick nod.

“I understand that you want to revenge Miranda. But to take our revenge, we need to go back, we need to find him and-”

“Oh please.” Felicia rolled her eyes.

“Even if you two vote for going back, me and Melanie wont. It's not like she can go back there anyway, this morning was chaotic, every single reporter were questioning the police on the second disappearance of Mrs Young.”

Melanie pressed her back against the bookcase as she slowly sat down on the floor. She was gazing blankly in front of herself, like she had been doing for the past five minutes. She couldn't snap back to their conversation, couldn't grasp the presence of her friends.

Another piece of the forgotten drama was playing in front of her and she had no choice but to devour it, take it and and accept the truth. The images that flashed before her was of the hallway back at the couple Young's house. She, Mrs Young had slowly taken a seat on the floor after closing the door behind her. The knot of the broken bracelet had finally snapped and the remaining pearls had spread over the floor, rolling like unimportant details stuck to her mind.

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