"Well, sorry." I rolled my eyes again and laughed, going on my tiptoes to hug him.

"You smell like chocolate. Where is it?" He asked, searching in my pockets. "Ha! Found it! Thank you for this, goodbye now." He walked away.

"Wait, you thief. That's for my friend." I snatched the bar out of his hands.

"Okay, so then, another hug." He pulled me to him. "You smell like those hard mints, beside chocolate. Where are those?" He chuckled, taking them out of my jacket.

"No, I get dizzy and those help me with the dizziness." I took them from him. He pouted and pulled me into another hug. "This is going to go until you clear all sugar from me, isn't it?" I laughed.

"Of course, duh." He scoffed playfully.

"Turns out you're also a dog." I laughed.

"Beside what?" He chuckled.

"A five year old, you know this." I chortled.

"Wait, what's this." He asked, chuckling. He pulled a chain out of my pocket. "Oh."

"Oh." I glared at the chain. It was the butterfly necklace he gave me for Valentine's Day. "I thought I lost it." I said under my breath. It was shining because the sun hit right on it.

"There's a lot of value on this." He pointed out.

"Um, does that have a lot of value to you? It doesn't to me." I shrugged, hesitantly. Oops-

"Oh." He gave it back quickly. "Uh, keep it then, I, umm, don't know what I was thinking when I said that." He looked at the ground, clearing his throat. "I'll catch you later."

"Yeah, bye." I bit my lip, watching him walk back to our hallway.

I didn't mean what I said when I said that the necklace didn't mean anything! It does mean something, but I, sort of, thought he would get the wrong idea if I agreed, so I hesitated and blurted that out.

Not that it meant THAT much...

Josh's POV:

"Hey, Matt. Open the door. Matt, open the door. Matt, open the door. Matt, open the door. Matt, open the-" I knocked on it about a hundred thousand times.

"Dude!" He opened the door and only stuck his head out. "You just interrupted something." He looked pissed. I remembered Brookelynn was back and then I noticed Matt was shirtless.

"Oooooops, sorry." I laughed quietly. "Never mind, I'll go to Larry's where I can get a cup of hot chocolate instead of a friend full of hickeys, bye." I walked to the other side of the hallway and I started knocking on Larry's door.

"I got your chocolate." Larry joked, opening the door. Matt laughed and shook his head, before he closed the door to his apartment.

"Don't be too loud, you know we can all hear everything!" I teased.

"SHUT UP!" We heard from the other side. Larry and I cracked up at it, and we even heard Frankie and Julia laugh from their own apartments. We're basically living in one big house, with big room for each of us.

Olivia's POV:

Sahana was already there, and she was with her two brothers, Matthew, Miles and a baby.

"Liv!" She hugged me. "Sorry, I had to take them with me." She apologized.

"No, it's fine. I haven't seen you guys in so long!" I hugged Matthew anf Miles

"Livvy." Miles opened his arms for me to hold him. When he was a baby he would always crawl to me and then open his arms for me to hold him. He doesn't do that with anyone else, which I think it's funny.

"You still got that habit." I laughed, picking him up. "You're so big now."

"Yep, I'm six now." He grinned, showing me the number six with his hands.

"No, yeah, that's really big." I joked, he nodded while the others laughed. "Matthew, what happened? The last time I saw you you could barely pronounce your own name!" I laughed. He had difficulties with speech when he was younger.

"Well, now I'm in middle school." He chuckled. I congratulated him, and Sahana dismissed them to play. We sat on a bench close to the kids and caught up with our lives.

"Who's this?" I held the baby in my arms. He had a big scar on his arm.

"His name is Makai, but we call him Kai. He's turning one in a week." Sahana smiled.

"Wow, he's also your brother?" I asked, she nodded.

"Look, mom, I have a worm!" Miles smiled.

"He calls you mom?" I asked, as Sahana gave him a thumbs up.

"Yeah, I always told him not to since Jennifer doesn't like it. She would get extremely mad and throw whatever it was at me, saying that I was taking his children away from her." She explained. Jennifer is her mother, and Marcus is her father.

"How did you get here, then?" I questioned.

"Well, it was one of those nights where Marcus and Jennifer weren't good with each other, so they started fighting at the dinning table while we were all eating. I knew where it headed so I took Matthew and Miles to my room. Marcus threw the glass of water at Jennifer, and the pieces went everywhere, and a big piece cut Makai's arm. I couldn't handle it anymore, so I said that I was moving out the second I turned 18, and I was taking my brothers, because I couldn't leave them in there. Since Marcus was so caught up with fighting with Jennifer he agreed. I looked for a place far from them, and the last thing they said before I got into a bus with my brothers was, 'You'll come back. You'll realize the world hates you and you'll come back to us when you can't take it anymore. See you soon.'" She explained. "That's why I'm doing absolutely everything I can to never even see them again."

"Sahana, I could never do that. The courage you have to just leave and start from scratch, in a whole new state?! That's incredible." I had my mouth wide open.

"Yeah, I'm just worried about college. I really want to study psychology but I-" She started, but I interrupted her.

"I know it sound crazy but I don't care because you matter that much to me. I'll pay for your college." I offered.

"WHAT!? No, you can't do that. I can't let you do that. No." She shook her head.

"Sahana, I don't want to sound like those people we hate, but drivers license got me enough to pay for, like, 20 people's college. Please let me help you, it would make me feel better and it would help you study."

"No, Liv. That's just too much." She disagreed.

"You don't have to get the most outstanding grades, or anything. I genuinely want to help you. You've done so much for them, I want to do something for you." I smiled. She had tears in her eyes.

"Thank you." She pulled me into to hug. "You don't know how much this means to me. I don't know what to say." She smiled. That felt better than actually doing something for myself.

Josh's POV:

"I don't know what you want me to tell you, other than, move on from her. She did, now you're stuck there." Larry sighed.

"Yes, I know that, but maybe there's still an us?" I asked him.

"I don't think so. She doesn't look at you starry-eyed anymore." He pointed out.

"But, it's not only about the way she looks at me."

"Still, that says a lot coming from Olivia." He shrugged.

"So, you're saying there is no us, and there will never be ever again." I stopped walking back and forth.

"Basically." He nodded.

"Watch me change that." I smirked.

"That wasn't for you to take as a dare." He sighed.

"Too late." I grinned.

The Past Is In The Past(Jolivia) Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now