35| A Gun-shot

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After that we ladies got our nails done while the guys put on their face masks. I quickly snapped their photos and texted them to the rest of the guys back home.

Once I was done with my nails, I went over to Mason and sat on the chair beside him, getting my own face cleansing.

"So you seem to be loving it so far." I said jokingly, earning an eye roll in response from Mason.

"Shut up." Mason grunted, making me chuckle.

"I'm going to get a haircut next. Should I change my hair colour?" I asked him, seeking his advice because I was really debating on whether or not to get a new hair colour.

"I don't think you should because your natural colour looks good on you, but if you really want to then go ahead." Mason replied.

So, I decided to listen to my big brother for once, and agreed on not getting one.

After we were all done at the salon, we made our way to the mall. Going to the salon turns out to be a good stress reliever.

Inside the mall, we went to different stores and everyone was engrossed in shopping.

I was with Kyson and Lucca, staying far away from Noah.

And it turns out Dominic, Silvio and Giovanni are just as crazy as him. Mason and Gianni were, however, nowhere to be seen and the ladies were also shopping around.

After a couple hours of shopping, we all made our way to the food court, because our stomachs obviously needed food.

But I was a little hesitant to go since the last time didn't work out well for me.

Kyson must have noticed my hesitation, since he smiled comfortingly at me while giving my hand a squeeze of reassurance.

It was just me and Kyson, the rest of the group was in front of us, so I asked him what I was dying to know.

"Did you tell them about last night?" I questioned him shyly.

"No, it wasn't my place to say anything. But you need to inform them soon, Arabella." He said staring right into my eyes and I just sighed knowing he was right.

"I'll do it, just not today." I replied.

When we reached our table, everyone was already seated and food had been placed on the table. I sat down between Kyson and Mason.

I must have been really exhausted and hungry from all the shopping that I, right away, began eating.

Everyone else was engrossed in their own conversations, while I was preoccupied with filling my hungry stomach.

Mason and Gianni got into an arm wrestling match shortly after we finished eating.

The other guys were cheering for them, and even the ladies joined in.

It was hilarious because they were both playing dirty and then whining and re-doing the match, getting all worked up and competitive for nothing.

Kyson was filming the whole thing.

I told Kyson that I was going to go get a bottle of water, and he nodded absentmindedly.

After asking everyone if they wanted anything and getting a negative reply, I made my way to the counter.

I bought the bottle of water and opened the cap right away and began drinking. Just as I turned around, I bumped into someone splashing water on both of us.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you." I said apologetically, as I hurriedly took some napkins off the counter and wiped the stranger's shirt that I managed to make dripping wet, while still haven't seen his face.

ResilienceKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat