Blizzard in Hogsmeade Pt 2

Start from the beginning

"That's Madam Rosemerta," Ron said nodding to the lady serving drinks, she was a pretty witch with dark skin and bright blue hair braided back out of her face, small silver moon and star clips spotted her hair, making it look like a galaxy of sorts. "We'll get the drinks, c'mon, Jamie."

Jamie shrugged and followed the boy as Hermione snickered behind her hand. Dragging a freezing Harry behind she started the hunt for a seat.

"Hullo, Madam Rosemerta," Ron greeted the woman, his nose and cheeks tinting pink, Jamie could count every freckle on the boy's face when he looked like that, they some how blended into his pale skin, but when he was pink Jamie could see the cluster on the bridge of his nose, they flowed out and onto his cheeks like a wave, a couple spotted his jawline.

Ron did not notice the boy's staring being too focused on Rosemerta.

"May I - may we please get four butterbeers, Madam Rosemerta, please?" Ron stuttered, face as red as his hair now.

Jamie coughed, covering his laugh. Ron shot him a look, warning him against saying anything. Jamie held up his hands in surrender innocently.

"Of 'ourse." She smiled and turned to pour the warm liquid into four tankards.

Jamie leaned in close to Ron, making sure to keep his voice quiet. "Why don't you buy her a drink?"

He smirked as the flustered boy pushed him away, hitting him in the arm again.

"Keep your voice down!" He said, casting a glance at Rosemerta.

Four tankards were placed in front of them, Ron tried to pay but Jamie shoved his hands away. "I'll pay."

"What, no, I got this."

"No, you don't. I do."

"I'm warning you. . ." Ron trailed off, pointing a finger in his face.

"How cute, you're threatening me. Isn't he cute?" He turned to Madam Rosemerta who was watching the scene unfold with an bemused smile.

"Very cute indeed." She hummed in agreement, her eyes sparkling in a motherly manner.

Any argument Ron had died on the tip of his tongue. His eyes wide and face as bright as the Gryffindor jumper he had bought.

"Oh great. I think we broke him." Jamie poked Ron's forehead, slowly the boy blinked back into reality.

"On the house." Madam Rosemerta said as Jamie tried to pay. "For being so cute." She winked at Ron who let out a pitiful gap and almost tripped over his own feet. Jamie and her shared a smirk before he dragged the redhead after him, two drinks in his free hand. He hoped Ron would not drop the two he was holding.

Harry and Hermione were seated at the back of the room at a small table wedged between a window and a very tall Christmas tree. On the other side of the tree was a fire place, which made Jamie rather hot in his enchanted trenchcoat.

"Merry Christmas!" Ron cheered, giving Harry one of the tankards.

"What took so long?" Hermione asked as Jamie took a seat next to her and slid her, her drink.

"Ron may or may not have met his future wife."

Ron made a sound of disagreement but the color returned to his face. He tried to kick Jamie but missed and it Hermione.

"Honestly, Ronald!" She snapped. "How old are you? Five? Are you five?"

"Uh, no-"

"Then don't act like it!"

Ron turned to his drink, shrinking down in his seat. "Er, right, sorry about that."

Jamie patted her on the back, she was like if McGonagall were a student. He pulled off his trenchcoat, being extra careful so none of the gifts fell out, and slowly sipped at his drink. It made his insides feel fuzzy and warm.

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