"I'm sorry, I didn't know, ladies."
"No worries," Jess chirped as she continued to drag me with her. I gave the bodyguard a short thankful smile as we distanced ourselves from the huge gate.

As I looked around, my jaw nearly dropped to the floor. This was only the entrance in which some small booths and round tables were spread throughout the hall - but it was more than huge.

Loud chattering and pearly laughter reached my ear as Nate maneuvered us through the crowd. The further we walked in, the more I had to inhale the smell of expensive perfume, making me slightly scrunch my nose.

The ground was made out of tons of marble stones, shining in a cold obsidian black. Although this whole castle seemed of old age, it was well-kept as I saw how the stone walls were almost clean without a speck of dust. Even the floor was highly polished. I had huge respect for whoever had the strength to keep this grande building this clean.

It felt timeless as I walked through the masses. The old yet extravagant hall made me seem like I was really wandering back in time, attending to the balls people wrote about in old literature and books. I continued to gaze around, letting Jess lead the way.

The ceiling was high and I could see the golden embellishments which were finely engraved in each corner of the walls. The huge chandeliers which were lined up in order were also made of a sparkling gold, having small diamonds dangling down from it.

Everything looked beautiful and noble, something you rarely saw in nowaday's architecture. As my eyes wandered across the ceiling, I saw a huge renaissance painting of angels flying across the soft blue sky, gracing the stone walls with a majestic atmosphere.

This all sure was breath-taking, that's for sure. It seemed like Jess fell in love with this place, as well, as she nearly squealed all the way through while watching everything with shining eyes. I laughed as I looked at her.
"Flies are going to fly into your mouth if you don't close it." A smirk curving my lips.

She only scoffed. "There are no flies here."
"Oh well, Sherlock," I just said as we started laughing, almost getting hit by several elbows on our way.

"So ladies, are you ready?" Nate smirked mischievously as he waved his arm towards a dark wooden door. It was huge. But then again, everything in here was just grande. Jess excitingly made a jump as she clung onto his arm.

I only sighed as I looked at her. She was really lovestruck, that was for sure. Normally, I would have been happy for her - however, seeing her with this shady guy was just uncomfortable in some kind of way.

Nate looked at me, his icy blue eyes slightly twinkling as his lips curled upwards.
"This is where the real party begins." And as he said that he looked at the two men in black suits guarding the door and just snapped with his fingers.

They immediately reached for the metallic handle and pulled them back, so that the huge door slowly opened its wings. As soon as a small gap into the new room could be seen, loud music blasted through my ears. It felt like the ground was shaking as the bass roared through the hall, swinging each nook and corner.

People were dancing in masses as they shook and turned their bodies to the rhythm of the music while huge moving spotlights were casted from the walls, leaving trails of colorful lights on the dance floor.

"Let's go!" Jess said as she took Nate's hand and dragged him inside. He then looked over his shoulder, indicating me to follow. I sighed and stepped behind them, slowly engulfing myself into the wild air which started to buzz around me the further I went in.

* * *

A whole hour of keeping up with the rhythm of the music and trying to withstand the fierce energy around me passed, as my eyes finally searched for a short exit. I just really needed some fresh air. Going to parties, especially the ones which were this huge were really exhausting.

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