Chapter 8

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"You damn son of a bitch! Stupid sad strange sick twisted little man! Go to hell!"

" Woah Woah Woah," Pax eased placing his hands on my waist, " What did that punching bag do to you.?"

Abouslty nothing. I'm protending its Professor Maddox's head I'm pounding in.

I haven't seen him since the resutruant incindent and frankly I don't plan to. So thats why I'm here, working out at the gym- the last place you would ever catch me alive in- then at band class.

I found out on Thrusdays that I don't have class so I spent the whole day in my room getting caught up on all my other assigments. ( like my manuscript for my creative writting class)

By the time Friday came along I knew I needed some where to go to keep a low profile. Hanging out in my room was out ( I did that yesterday). I wasnt going anywhere near the fine arts departments and I didn't want to go outside, so my options were very limited.

" We can go to a club," Bryce suggested while swinging her feet back and forth to Beyonce.

Oh yeah that was an idea go to a club at like 2 in the afternoon with no fake ids. Brillant plan Bryce! A big thumbs up for you ( in case you haven't noticed I'm holding up my stupid sign aka sarcasm sign)

I plopped on my bed. Ugh! I'm- So- Bored! How do people survive collage! You get so much down time yet your still mooping about.

I drew back the curtain and saw Pax walking towards my bulding. He caught me looking and gave me a gentle wave then curled his muscles.

" What," I mouthed even though I was certain he couldn't hear me.

" Gym," he mouthed back, " You in?"

Me? Gym? Cardio? Psh he wishes.

" No," I mouthed back.

" Why not?"

That is a good question, one I don't have an answer to.

" Its not me," was all I gave him.

" Oh come one," he urged, " I couldn use the company."

So could I but not if I would make a complete fool off myself

" Whats in it for me?"

His shoulders rattled so I knew he was laughing at whatever he found amusing.

" Prudent much? Just come on!"

" Give me five then?"

He gave me a thumbs off and strolled off.

I shut the curtains and asked Bryce what Prudent mean.

" Oh we had that word in communciations. Its where you think about yourself and whats in it for you."

Oh hell no! I was not a narssisstit or even "prudent". I only thought about myself a few times. Everytime I did it only got me into trouble. I'm gonna prove to Pax that he is wrong with a capital W.

I stripped off footy soft kitty pjs and slipped on light pink yoga and a gray sports bra. I slipped my hair into a messy pony and shoved it behind a white sports headband.

" You look cute,' Bryce said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes at her. I'm suppose to look tough, not cute or sexy, classy or anything along that line.

Ingoring her comment I told her I was going to meet Pax and asked if she wanted to come with.

" You mean work out? In a gym? With sweety men?"

I Hate You Professor ( A Student/ Teacher Relationship)Where stories live. Discover now