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                                                               Saturday  February 21 2039

" Mom, how did you and dad meet?" 

A flimsy spaghetti noddle went down the wrong pipe at my daughter, Terra's,  sudden question. Chocking uncontrollably I couldn't find the  breath to answer. Where's my stupid husband when you need him?

" I think your mother's in a bit of a trance," my husband, Phoenix, chuckled right beside me. 

No.... I'm just choking to death on dinner that you happened to cook by the way! 

" Aren't you going to help her?" Terra sounded concerned.

Eh eh! ( coughing sounds)  Hello! Still choking over here.

My husband of seventeen years slowly cocked his head to the right and feigned knowing my situation. 

" Babe," he faked being sweetly, " Are you okay?"

After making a couple of deep sounds in my throat like guys do when they spit I was able to get air into my lungs again. 

I took at sip of my red wine and glared at Phoenix.

" No," I remarked sarcastically, " What was your first clue." 

" That you weren't answering Terra's question," he saying being all serious.

You think your soooo funny don't you Phoenix Maddox? You didn't get the concept of humor until you meet me.

" Mom," Terra spoke out again," Aren't you going to answer my question."

" What question?"

She rolled her electric blue eyes at me ( something I did not teach her).

" How you and dad met," she spat, " Your growing old mom you might want to consider hearing aids." 

" Hey," I angrily quaked, " Have some sympathy. I could of almost died. And forty- three is not old. What are you smoking." 

" George Clooney ," she said deadpan.

Ugh!  I heard that stupid joke a billion of times. And I would know because I was the one who used to say that.

" But really," she got back on the topic," How did you and dad meet." 

Why does she want to know this now? The only interest Terra has are boys boys and more boys. I'm quite positive the story about Phoenix and I doesn't follow into that category.

" Terra," Phoenix sighed heavily, " You know the story about how your mother and I meet." 

" Yeah,' she sassed," Though your eyes. Not hers." 

Though his eyes? Did he see me differently way back then or what? Why haven't I heard his side? Phoenix will tell me. Even if I have to refuse to sex with him I will get to the bottom of this.

" So wait a minute? Our daughter knows something I dont," I observed feeling offended, " You should so tell your side of it." 

" No," Terra objected, " I want to here your side of the story." 

Why? Its nothing special. Just a story about two people who were doomed. End of it. 

" I'm not tell you my side of it," I told her straight up, " Besides do you really want to her the story of how I hated your father and all that jazz." 

Terra's wide set eyes got so big and round. Her expression read are- you- serious- mom- you- must- tell- me- the- story- asap. 

"Wait," Phoenix sounded confused, " You hated me? Since when?" 

Forever. " Since the first moment I meet you until things worked out." 

His plump rosy mouth gaped at me reveling naturally pearly white teeth that were perfectly aliened. 

" OK you know what we are gonna do," he informed.

I was gonna say what but Phoenix grabbed my hand and lead Terra and I to the living room. When were are planted on the apple red sofa ( me in the middle) Phoenix demanded that I tell our story. From the very beginning.

I wasn't sure where to start. I meet my husband when was eighteen. That was twenty- five years ago. 

" Were waiting," Terra sang supper sharp. 

Clasping my firm sturdy hands together I rubbed then repeatedly then began.

" This is the journey of Phoenix Maddox and Gisella " Gia"  Jorissen"

" We already know that mom," Terra yawned already bored, " Tell us something we don't know."  

Teenagers. They want to know things but not stuff they know about. Witch is their book is pretty much everything.

" Alright," I defeated, " It was Saturday March 7th 2015. Thats the day my life took a spin in the opposite direction." 

Authors Note: There you have it. The prologue of I hate you professor. Please comment, vote, read, and let me know what you think. I do hope you like it. Keep a look out for Chapter 1. Be awesome and don't let others discourage you

Thanks to all of my followers, fans, and readers. You guys are the reason I enjoy writing so much.


Anna :) 

I Hate You Professor ( A Student/ Teacher Relationship)Where stories live. Discover now