37- Informing

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"I'M HERE BITCHES!" Hearing Cat from downstairs.

I haven't told anyone I was pregnant beside Franco and his mother. I'm just glad Franco took the news peacefully.

She barge inside my room, and I was still in a call with this bitche man. "Hello pretty!" Cat yelled and I smiled at her.

"To in form you that the shipment will arrive tomorrow morning at the docks. Do you have anyone that will pick it up?"

"Yes, I do. They will be there in time. They should all be there correct?"

"Yes they will." He ends the call and I turn to Cat who is smiling.

"Yes Cat?" She squeal and hugs me.

She then clapped her hands, "let's go drinking! Oh! I also got in to a school in Dallas."

"Congratulations!, but I have something to tell you." She nods and I hold her hands. "I'm pregnant."

She dropped her jaw, "sorry?"

"I'm pregnant. Like pregnant, I have a doctor appointments today." She screams and hugs me bubbly.

"Holy shit! I'm going to be the fun aunt! Oh, and spoil my nieces or nephew! So many toys, go to the park, trips, sleepover!" My eyes started to tear, "what's wrong?"

"It's just, I'm so happy that your okay with it."

"Of course! I know your young but I'll support , and I'll become the father if Franco says no. Wait you did tell him right?" She raised a eyebrow.

"Yes I did, he was happy. I haven't told my father yet."

"Yeah, good luck with that one. I'll be gone for that."

I laughed, "yeah, I'm not quite sure what he would think."

"This is good news, come on!" She drags me out of bed and out the door.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Pedicure." I wanted nails anyways.


I look at my nails and smiled at myself. I was so happy with the color. Haven dropped me home, and I wait on the door steps for Franco to arrive.

His car pulled up and excitement went through my body. Franco quickly got out the car and run to me, picking me like nothing. He laughs and spins me around.

"Why are you happy?" He didn't answer but kissed my lips hard and soft.

"Because my lirio, we get to see someone today." He gives me a wink and blushed.

"Let's go, we are going to be late." Franco said in hurry, he grabs my hands and rush inside the car.

We make it to the doctor and waited 10 minutes in the waiting room. "Gabby is up."

My hand was shaking as I get up from chair. Franco took my hand and gave me a small squeeze. I smiled and we followed the doctor to the room.

"So someone is pregnant." The male doctor said and I nod weirdly.


"What kind of symptoms were you experiencing?"

"Morning sickness, more hungrier but that's just me. Pretty much."

He nods and the machine started up, "if you could pick up shirt a bit so we can see how far long you are?"

As I was going to pick up my shirt, Franco immediately pulled up my shirt and stop below my bra. My heart filled into love, the doctor grab his wand and place gel on my stomach.

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