59| Trauma, Sex, & Therapy

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"I'm better, I wish we did this sooner," Galen admits and I hover over him, carefully pushing back his silky black hair and kissing his wrinkled forehead from his deep thoughts.

"But we're here now and that's all that matters," I remind him so he doesn't get down again, nudging him to feel better with my light kisses as my hand trails his side, following the line of his body to his chest. My hand slips under his shirt to follow the same line and he has to catch his breath.

"Tora," he whispers my name as he wraps his arms around my neck and I know what he needs. Especially after I spent last week with Micah and he's been extra attached and cuddly since then with those big puppy eyes.

"What do you want hon?" I ask him to specify just because I thrive in his needy voice. He pouts a little and I kiss him harder, my hand trailing over his nipple back and forth with my lips as he takes it. My phone vibrates in my back pocket and mid-kiss I take it out. Only pausing to glance at it for a second.

"Fuck," I curse into Galen's lips and I lean back only for him to try to pull his shirt back down while I look at the text and the smack of my hand holding his in place to keep him from doing so stops him instantly.

"What happened?" Galen asks with the disappointment clear in his voice as he tries to put himself on the back burner but I quickly text Xora back.

"I forgot that I made plans to go with Xora to Forester this morning to meet up with his moms at the market," I groan, feeling like my social meter to tolerate anyone other than my mates is already on the floor, but how can you say no to a sweet innocent guy like Xora?

"That sounds important, you should go get ready now. We can do this some other time," Galen says as he holds his rolled-up shirt still frozen by my hands and I toss my phone to the floor.

"Nope, sorry but it looks like our therapy session is running over by at least a half-hour. How does that make you feel?" I joke as I return to taking off his shirt along with my own and his body warmly embraces me.

"It makes me feel...wanted," Galen squirms and I narrow my gaze pulling him into another deep kiss.

"I want you, so fucking badly Galen, I want you in front of me, watching me as I rail you so hard you'll be able to feel me in your stomach. I want to fuck you up so badly you won't be able to walk when I'm done and I'll take good care of you when I get back. I want to satisfy you and make up for this lost time and all, but we have to move this party to the guest room across the hall because I want you to feel so good that you start tearing up and quivering as I cum inside you. And that's not going to happen if I don't have lube,"

I describe to Galen, who stares at me with his mouth wide open in shock and I kiss the tip of his nose.

"What? I can have a way with words too," I add as and he says nothing as I pull him up off the settee and continue kissing him.

Unable to stop with how deeply addicting it is to have him in the palm of my hand with his adorably sexy self. We walk until his back is against the wall and I open the door with my hand still on his bare chest as I peek my head out. Making sure the hallway was truly empty before forcefully shoving Galen across the way and into the next door, which he opens and I close before pushing him back onto the bed.

"Wait, do you want this?" I ask and he blushes as he nods, but I need him to actually say it. Reaching in the drawer to grab the lube I kick off my own pants and he unbuttons his. His hands shaking as he does so.

"Are you nervous?" I ask him and he nods, biting his lip and looking away from me out of embarrassment.

"Aww, honey why? You're so fucking sexy right now," I sigh as I trace the line down his chest and he blinks a few times.

Crimson Summer || Book TwoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin