Chapter 5

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Diego's POV:

"I couldn't find the book so I sent Charlie a text to see if she could come help us."

"Oh. . ."

I looked at Hector confused and notice the small blush come onto his face as I asked, "Is something wrong?"

He cleared his throat and shook his head saying, "There's no real reason for her assistance. There's no book that I actually need."

"Oh? May I ask what we are doing here then?"

He scratched the back of his head and looked around before pulling me to the back of the library. I felt awkward when I noticed that I had a few moments with Victor here but I pushed those memories aside and focused on Hector. He looked nervous and still had a small blush on his cheeks but he tried to calm his nerves by rubbing his hands on his jeans and giving me a small smile.

"Diego, I um. . . Ever since the. . ."

"Almost kiss?"

"Yeah, that. . . Well, I just wanted to apologize for that again and I don't want it to be weird between us."

My eyes softened and I grabbed Hector's hand in mine as I said, "Hector this is like your tenth time apologizing. It's okay. I'm sorry if I've been acting weird. There's just been a lot that's happening and I'm still trying to figure some stuff out."

"No, no! The last thing I want to do is annoy you with this and what happened. I just want you to know that I understand and I'm on the same page as you. You don't owe me an explanation or anything. I know what you've been through and I just. . . I really would like it if we went back to being great friends instead of this awkward stage we are in. Like when we made cookies at your place and got stomachaches."

I couldn't help the laughter that spilled out at the memory but I'm glad I did because that seemed to put Hector more at ease. Hector was a great guy, greater than a lot of guys I've met. The thing is, I'm still figuring out my life and people are still calling me a pervert and I felt like I couldn't burden Hector with all that. I made a promise to myself that I would do things on my own time now and I was going to stick with that. Before I could even think about being with Hector I needed to pick myself up completely and finally put Victor in the past. In the end, I just wish for happiness and my friends and family happiness as well.

"I'd like that Hector. No more awkwardness."

"Hey guys! So, what book are we looking for?" Charlie asked when she saw and ran up to us.

"We couldn't find the book and after begging Hector to just ask the librarian he finally did and she said it was out of stock. So, we can go now," I lied with a tease towards Hector who chuckled and shook his head.

We walked out of the library after that, Hector and I listening to Charlie talk about her ex. Yes, that's right. Her ex, the one before Max and her went on a date. Apparently he's still trying to get back with her but she's playing hard to get, at least according to the rumors he spread. In reality, Charlie is over the guy and was actually talking to a guy in college. At first we, as in Hector, Max, and I, were nervous because it was a college guy. But he was only nineteen and she was close to turning eighteen. We just tell her to be careful and Max has been especially protective over her. But it helped ease our minds when she told us that her parents know the guy.

"Guys! Wait up!"

We all turned to see Max running to catch up with us and what caught my eye was the very light blush that coated his cheeks. As his best friend, I was quick to notice it but Charlie and Hector didn't seem to notice it or if they did they didn't say anything because they greeted him normally. Not wanting to ambush him with questions, I also greeted him normally but one more glance at his face confirmed that it indeed was a blush.

"So! About this weekend. . ."

"Oh yes! I need to know the plan to inform the parents. Also, you guys are so lucky that they like you because my dad was not impressed that I am the only girl in the group," Charlie said with a dramatic hair flip. "It took forever to convince him and I totally used the gay card. Sorry, not sorry!"

We all chuckled at her and Max shook his head at her before saying, "Well, you could always invite a friend, you know? But anyways! I was thinking, since we have the lake all weekend and it is quite a long drive, we should leave tonight! If we take maybe two hours to pack and go, we'll get there just before it gets dark so we can set up our camping stuff! That way we can literally have the full weekend. What do you guys think?"

"I'll definitely have to invite a friend to be able to go but don't worry, I know just the right friend. Sounds good to me!" Charlie said excitedly. "Will you be able to go, Diego?"

When Max first brought up the idea to go to the lake a couple weeks ago I definitely didn't want to go. It was the same lake that we went on for the school trip, just on the public side. I was just not ready for that, especially since the memories were still fresh. But maybe I did need this. Maybe this would be good for me and I'll have a great time. No relationship drama. Just friends going for a camping trip.

"I'll ask my mom but I should be able to go. She's been dying for me to go out anyway."

"It'll be fun," Hector said reassuringly and gave me a warm smile.

"Well, lunch is almost over and I need to go find my friend to invite her. I'll see you after school! I'll meet you guys by our cars!"

We all said our goodbyes to Charlie and before we knew it she was gone from our eyesight. I was a little nervous for this weekend but I was going to make the best of it. I deserved this. I deserved to have a good time. Maybe with Caden going I'll have some closure too.

"Hey," Hector nudged me, causing me to look up at his gentle face. "You'll have me there. Everything will be fine and you'll have fun. I'll make sure of it."

"Yeah, Diego! You'll have us and you know we'll annoy you with fun. We should get going to our next class though. Want me or Hector to walk you?"

"Guys, you don't-"

"I'll do it. I have a substitute today anyway," Hector said, interrupting me before I could object.

"Alright, take care of my son. Remember, daddy's here if you need anything," Max said and pulled me into a hug.

I immediately pushed him off and he laughed loudly before waving and walking in the direction of his class. Hector shook his head at his cousin's craziness and looked down at me with a smile.

"Let's get going then?"

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