Chapter 65: Silence isn't always Golden

Comenzar desde el principio

You grabbed your own hero costume and followed the boy, only to walk past him when the two of you would usually walk side by side.

You only sent him a quick apologetic glance over your shoulder before heading to a bathroom to change.

Joining the others as soon as possible, you stood ready outside, waiting for the assignment.

"We've strengthened your quirks a lot, but now we need to work on quirkless combat," Aizawa sighed, scarf ready to attack. "Watch and learn."

The man sent a quick glance towards you, sending in various feints and attacks with his scarf, each one of which you evaded.

While he was versatile in both long and short ranged combat due to his weapons and strength, he was weaker in close combat.

Luckily for you, that was your strong suit.

Unfortunately, he knew it was your strong suit.

The man kept sending wave after wave of attacks, much to the shock of your classmates, though you simply cut through them with your metal tipped handheld fans.

"U.A can cover damage costs, can't they?" You smirked, before finally closing the distance and sending a swift kick to his ankles to make him loose balance. (Sorry if it isn't clear, it's a Japanese martial arts {judo} technique used to make the opponent loose balance and fall)

The man fell on his right side, snippets of his capture weapon still lying around him.

"You've improved," he smiled.

"Mirko and Nighteye taught me more techniques," you explained shortly, holding a hand out to your mentor.

He nodded, standing up with your help. Though as soon as he looked at the remains of his capture weapon, his smile turned into a glare.

"I swear I'm cutting your salary for a month," he grumbled, picking the cloth up.

"Not my fault you can't read my moves," you snickered at the sight.

"Doesn't matter," he groaned. "We're drawing pairs, you'll be reading each other's moves and doing pure quirkless combat."

The class nodded, glad to see both of you were alright as they began drawing pairs.

You were stuck with Kaminari.

Sighing, you sat down, waiting for the ordeal to end.

While you normally would've playfully fought back, you didn't care much in this case. Both of you had reached a point where you'd hurt each other beyond repair, so you didn't care how the sparring match ended, you just wanted to get it over with so you could leave.

And you'd do anything for that, even if it meant giving up.

The boy grit his teeth, annoyed that you'd do something as such.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" He groaned.

You looked up and raised an eyebrow.

"First you fuck everything up, then you pretend it's all fine when it's not, then you continue to try and hide everything just to pretend it's fine and now you're giving up?" He yelled, to which you just shrugged and nodded.

"Yeah, I fucked it up. But you stopped talking to me altogether, so I pretended I was fine," you corrected, looking up at him. "After all, why bother if your friends aren't going to stick around?"

Your accusing tone said it all. The pain behind your voice, the regret, the agony and the feeling of betrayal.

You weren't asking for forgiveness.

You were asking for a reason.

The boy looked down at his feet, as Kirishima came to his side to check on him.

"That's enough," Aizawa glared. "Whatever you've got going on can wait until after school. If it interferes with training again I will sort it out for you."

The threat was enough to leave you all shaking in fear and embarrassment, though your words had impacted everyone, including the teacher.

You noticed Jirou shoot you an apologetic glance, though you couldn't muster up the courage to meet her eyes.

After all, why bother?

You were the one who screwed everything up after all, weren't you?

Question of the day: comfort character?

Also, the next chapters will probably contain mentions of depression but idk yet. I'll put a CW/TW if there's anything you should be worried about.

Have a good day/night :)

M. Hatsume X F! Reader: The Devil in Pink (BOOK 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora