Chapter 63: Pain and Misfortune

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Soon, November rolled by and you'd still not spoken to a good half of your class.

With Jirou, it was too awkward. Talking to Denki caused an argument to sprout every single time. You couldn't talk to Mei. Kirishima was still disappointed in you and Bakugo was refusing to acknowledge the presence of someone who hurt his friends, themselves and a third party member.

Heck, even Mina and Todoroki were completely disappointed in you two and one of them was a gossip queen while the other was always clueless.

The only ones who did talk to you were the third years and Class B, both who hadn't heard about the chaos yet, as well as Midoriya, who chose to stick by your side.

While the same couldn't be said for his friends, you were glad you had at least one person you'd regularly talk to.

Thankfully, this time around, the gossip didn't spread all the way to Europe because your class was considerate enough to not embarrass all other parties involved and make yours and Jirou's situations worse.

You sighed, flipping over a page in the manga you were reading before abruptly getting up.

"I'm making a pot of tea, anyone want some?" You called, listening for a response.

Though no one said anything.

The usual rushing of footsteps that made their way downstairs when tea was offered were also absent this time.

You sighed and heard Uraraka behind you.

"I'd like a cup if that's alright," she smiled sympathetically.

You smiled at her, glad she'd begun talking to you again, and poured both of you a cup of tea each.

"There's still some tea if you want it!" You yelled up, thinking they should at least know, should they want some later.

"Sorry for ignoring-" Uraraka began, though you interrupted her.

"It's fine, promise," you interrupted, taking a sip. "I got used to it after the second day."

Just then, Uraraka noticed how gaunt you were. Eyes drooping, cheeks hollow, eyebags darker than ever, hair a bird's nest. Yet you still found it in yourself to fake a smile and convince people that you were truly alright.

But who were you trying to convince?

"You look tired," she commented, pointing out your appearance.

"Don't worry about it," you shrugged her off, turning to your book.

She sighed but nodded, deciding to give you space while still being there for you.

"I know you won't accept it," she began once again, causing you to look up from your book. "But I really am sorry. It was a spur of the moment thing and I knew that, I shouldn't have left you there when you needed us the most."

You smiled at the girl, glad she was going to stay, but the burning hollow feeling never left you.

You'd lost three of your best friends in one sitting just because of a mistake. Not to mention, you also lost the girl you loved.

Did you even love her anymore?

"Don't worry about it, Uraraka-San," you smiled softly. "But thank you for staying around, even if others won't."

"Anytime, that's what friends are for right?" She grinned, glad you'd finally accepted her apology. "Want to make Mochi with me?"

You laughed at the suggestion, the first genuine laugh in a long time.

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