Chapter 7: The First Attack

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You were seated next to Jirou during the bus ride.

"So I'm going to take a wild guess and say you're going to be with me, every bus ride," Jirou smirked.

"I'm not complaining, you're a great person. Do your ear jacks work for music?" You asked.

"Yep, kinda like headphones. I just plug it in and boom, I've got an entire spotify playlist on hand 24/7," she shrugged.

"Nice. Also how strong are these things? I saw you put it into the concrete yesterday," you remarked.

"It's like an extension of my earlobe with a metal tip. The metal part is strong but even then it takes a bit of force to actually puncture a surface," Jirou explained.

"If we're talking flashy and strong, that'll be Todoroki, Shirakumo and Bakugo," you overheard Kirishima say.

"Thanks I guess," you smiled gently.

"Yeah but Bakugo's personality will never get him high up in the ranks," Tsu commented.

"WHAT WAS THAT FROG FACE? YOU WANNA GO?" He yelled, only furthermore proving Tsu's point.

"You know we've only known each other for 2 days and you've already made it blatantly clear that your personality is sewage stepped on garbage," Kaminari laughed.

"Denks do you even know what half of those words mean?" You teased.

"Y/N! Don't do me like that, I'm not completely an idiot," he whined, making you giggle.

"Alright we're here. Quit messing around," Aizawa groaned as the bus pulled up.

"Marshmallow-san!" You greeted thirteen as soon as you saw them.

"Marshmallow?" Midoriya asked.

"Well I mistook them for a marshmallow when I was 6 so the nickname just stuck I guess," you sheepishly told him.

"Hello Y/N, hello class 1-A and Aizawa. Welcome to the USJ," they greeted before proceeding to explain the dangers of quirks and such.

"Aizawa-Sensei? The purple vortex. Is that supposed to be here?" You nervously asked as a vortex opened above the fountain. The portal only kept on expanding and slowly a hand came out of it, followed by a giant mutation.

"Step back. Those are villains," Aizawa growled, getting ready to pounce and defend every last life that remained.

The villain named Kurogiri announced that the group was here to kill the symbol of peace. Bakugo and Kirishima didn't take that news lightly and immediately pounced at the mist in a futile attempt to kill it.

"Guys, are you insane?" You yelled as soon as they jumped at him. Thankfully, Thirteen got them back. Unfortunately, you were all split up across the USJ in a matter of seconds.

You steadied yourself with wind to cushion your landing and scouted for other people. The heavy rain fogged up your visors slightly, which you realised was impractical for your weather based quirk. Before long, you found your bird headed and animal loving classmates.

"Shirakumo-San! Good to see a familiar face," Tokoyami nodded at you.

"Have you found any villains?" You asked.

"No, they're all in hiding," he sighed.

"Get dark shadow to look around, Koda can you find animals anywhere? They could be useful. I'll scale the high grounds," you thought quickly to which both agreed.

A bit of scouting later, the three of you found a horde of villains huddled in a corner.

"Tokoyami, Koda? Take shelter. Shit's about to go down," you smirked. You used the surrounding wind to give yourself an uplift, immediately getting a much better view of the villains while putting yourself at an advantage. Thankfully, none of them noticed you and only assumed it was the storm getting stronger. "I'm still working on a name for my moves but I think it should be fine as long as the job gets done don't you agree? Say goodbye, villains," you grinned, clapping your hands as lightning surrounded them. They weren't struck bad enough to die, but were rendered unconscious.

"T-That was s-super cool Shirakumo-San," Koda whimpered.

"Thanks Koda. I think we can ditch this place and see what the others are up to. The villains haven't gone so our classmates should still be here. Should we look around or head to the main plaza?" You suggested, cleaning your glasses.

"Koda and I can look around to see if the others need help. You go to the main plaza and help there," Tokoyami decided.

"Alright, take care of everything. I trust you two," you yelled over your shoulder before navigating your way to the entrance. There lay a gruesome sight you never wanted to recollect. Aizawa was being carried by Tsu and Mineta, completely baterred and bruised while All Might was halfway through a vortex as he wrestled with a black bird mutant.

Todoroki came up from behind you and froze the way to the vortex, allowing the hero escape. "I don't care what happens, but never let your guard down in battle," he glared at you.

"Sorry, and thanks," you nodded sheepishly. Essentially you were preparing for this moment. Sure, it came all too early but fighting villains for the safety of others is why you signed up. However, before you could even help, All Might ordered you to stay back, claiming he had everything under control.

Seemingly millions of punches were exchanged between the mutant and the hero but in the end All Might finally sent the bird flying. The villains didn't leave at that however, they seemingly wanted to take a trophy as well. The light blue haired one reached out his hand towards Midoriya but before any harm could be done, a gunshot was heard as you whisked the greenette away. Snipe and the other U.A teachers had arrived, explaining the gunshot. Unfortunately, the strongest villains left immediately without putting up a fight.

As soon as everyone was evacuated, you found students explaining what all happened to each other. You missed a lot of the bad action in the main plaza but managed to hand in nearly one third of the criminals used as distractions. The 'Nomu', as you found out it was called, was still being searched for by both heroes and villains.

Of course there was the situation with the teachers. None of them were in life threatening danger but thirteen and Aizawa would suffer permanent damage. Midoriya was taken to the hospital to get his bones fixed and All Might was checking up on Midoriya according to the officer.

"Aizawa's hurt that badly?" You stammered out.

"Must've been pretty brutal. But putting his life on the line for us? I didn't think he'd do that after threatening us with expulsion. Why're you so worried?" Kaminari blatantly stated.

"Kaminari-kun. Aizawa-Sensei is my adoptive elder brother of sorts you could say, of course I'll be worried," you hissed at him, not realising the fact that he didn't know.

"He's your what now?" He blinked.

"Let's go home. I'm inviting Mei-Chan as well, it's a sleepover. While we're at it, I'll explain. Mei knows, don't give me that look," you sighed, to which the electricity wielder simply closed his mouth.

Boy were you lucky no one overheard you.

M. Hatsume X F! Reader: The Devil in Pink (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now