Chapter 35: on cloud nine

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Many people see you as a cold and snarky person with little empathy. What they fail to see are the numerous walls you put up as a defense mechanism. Walls to keep yourself safe from all outsiders. Walls that only grew over time, increasing trust issues.

But once in a blue moon would come a person who'd see you for the sincere person you are. Both snarky and cold, but warm and kind at the same time.

So far, it had only been Mei and Katsuki who could melt the walls you put up.

On the first day, when you got your costume alerted, you instantly noticed something wrong with Mei. She was colder, less eccentric and more closed off.

You left last after the trio in an attempt to clarify things, only to make them worse.

With your reckless behaviour and Mei's natural tendency to worry over you, you ended up worrying her too much after Denki gave a recap of Kamino.

The two of you hadn't spoken since.

No one noticed.

"Just fucking die already!" You yelled, watching the monster in front of you get up for the 10th time in a row. "You know what, who gives a shit? Collapse!"

You clapped your hands together and pulled them towards yourself, watching as mass amounts of air left the lungs. Since it was 10 times larger than real Ectoplasm, the clone was roughly 10 times more powerful.

Every time air left the lungs, you used it as an opportunity to surround the clone with a lethal bubble. The bubble would trap oxygen flow completely, and after maximum 5 minutes, anyone would be dead no matter the size.

Wave after wave, you surrounded him, watching the life drain out of the clone. And just as promised, he fell at your feet, less than five minutes later.

"Valiant soldier. Too bad he's dead," you shrugged, walking past the clone.

You jumped off and sauntered over to the newcomers. There wasn't much more to improve for now, you just had to hone and fine tune the moves.

"Vlad? We need ten more minutes, could you wait?" Aizawa asked, noticing class B's arrival as well.

Monoma instantly took his spot taunting your class, much to your distaste.

"I'm this close to committing a murder, who's with me?" You groaned.

"Shirakumo-chan I thought we were friends!" Monoma whined.

"We might be if you quit taunting our class," you glared before shifting your focus to a ginger. "Kendo! I like the costume, suits your hair."

Before long, the conversation changed to the topic of your licensing exam as your teachers explained the criteria.

You were all ushered out by Vlad who claimed you'd been taking up too much time in the kitchen lab. Aizawa was kind enough to let you off for the rest of the day after that incident.

You changed and waited for Denki.

"Your moves are coming along great, Shirakumo-chan!" Kirishima grinned, Denki close behind him.

"Thanks Kirishima-kun. Yours too," you smiled back softly. "Where's Katsuki?"

"He went ahead already, why?" Denki responded.

"Thought he'd walk with us," you shrugged.

The three of you gathered your things and made your way to Heights Alliance, though you made a quick detour.

You knocked on the door of the development studio, hoping to God that Mei wouldn't answer it.

"Hello hello! Welcome to- oh it's you," Mei's excitement faltered instantly.

You sighed at the reaction, having expected it.

"I'm going to make a quick request with Power Loader for my costume. Can we take a walk afterwards?" You asked.

"He's out. You can either give me the request or wait until later," she replied coldly.

You glared at the girl in front of you, getting increasingly annoyed at her.

"I need a weapon to strengthen my wind. I'm thinking handheld fans or a staff," you explained shortly.

Mei quickly jotted it down in her notebook before walking out the door.

"Aren't you coming? You wanted a walk," she raised an eyebrow at you.

The two of you walked in total silence to the class A dorms so that you could put your things down. After that, you trudged down to the courtyard behind school.

You sat down in the meadow instantly, and waited for her to do the same.

"I'm sorry for worrying you," you blurted, getting straight to the point.

"My problem isn't that you worried me. You're a hero in training, you're going to go headfirst into battle and I'm going to worry. My problem is that you wanted to go after a friend while you were still injured, illegally, and unnecessarily," she ranted, getting angrier by the second. Then she finally caved in and sat next to you, wrapping her arms around you. "What if you'd gotten kidnapped as well?"

The girl was crying, something she almost never did.

"I'll try to be less reckless," you mumbled, wrapping your arms around her and pulling her closer. "I love you."

"Promise me you'll come back at the end of the day?" She asked, pulling away.

You smiled softly before kissing her on the tip of her nose.

"Promise," you agreed.

After that, you were calmer and happier to say the least.

You were sat with the guys in the ground floor common room as you discussed your moves later that night. The girls got too exhausting as soon as the topic of Uraraka's love life came up, so you ditched them for the guys.

"Kirishima-kun you landed on my property again," you pointed out. "Iida-kun how's your move coming along?"

"Kirishima is out of money," Iida announced. "It's going well, thank you. Todoroki-San, pay up."

"Damn it, I thought you wouldn't notice," he sighed, digging out Endeavour's credit card.

"Not with real money!" You laughed.

"No need to flex on us peasants Todobro," Kirishima chuckled.

"Is it safe to use terms in front of Todoroki? We don't want another 'dummy thick' incident," Tokoyami asked.

You all laughed at that, remembering the pure look of disgust on Tokoyami's face.

"I think keeping Mina away from him should be enough," you snickered.

"Maybe we should keep you away as well while we're at it. You're the vulgar one here," Shoji remarked.

"I'm not the one that taught him what-" you began, only to be silenced by Iida.

"Think we've gone far enough. We should clear up and go to bed. We've got intensive training tomorrow," he covered your mouth, glaring. "Why would you lick me you heathen?"

"Geez, sorry dad," you smirked, glad that the hand was off now.

With that, you all left a sputtering Iida and cleared the area.

It was certainly the happiest you'd been in a long time. One could even go as far as saying you were on Cloud Nine.

A/N: don't forget to vote and comment, I love reading all your comments :)

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