Chapter 33: the first day back

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Living in the dorms was slow to say the least. Friendships were ruined through monopoly and uno, the kitchen was set on fire at least once a day, and Bakugo's yelling became the new music trend.

A normal day for Class A.

"Turn the God damn page you moron," you grumbled.

"I will when you stop telling me what to do," Bakugo huffed, turning the page.

"I think certain friendships should be forbidden," the traffic light trio sweat dropped at the sight of you two, only to receive death glares from both of you.

Of course, cultivating friendships wasn't the only good thing about dorms.

For one, you got to see Mei more often. Power Loader was confused as to why you were dating a person who spent the whole day in the lab, until he realised that you were no better.

Obviously, the teachers took it as a learning opportunity to further improve your skills.

Take this morning, for example. Aizawa decided your class had had enough holidays and took you to gym Gamma to work on ultimate moves. Cementoss was there as well, since he was head of the kitchen lab, and of course, All Might.

Though those weren't the only teachers. Midnight and Ectoplasm were present to instruct and criticise.

Since you were taking the provisional licensing exam a year earlier than most hero courses, U.A was trying to accelerate the learning process.

"Take Shirakumo's air reduction for example, that could be considered an ultimate move since it both buys time and defeats the villain. In contrary to Iida's Recipro Burst, that one would only be used as a last resort. Make sure you've got at least three, preferably one defence move as well," Ectoplasm lectured.

And with a bunch of 'yessir's, you were all off to practice your moves.

Each student had their own pillar and one Ectoplasm clone to defeat. In that manner, you were all spread out evenly.

You were inbetween Katsuki and Denki.

"AP shot!" Bakugo yelled.

"Katsuki-kun this isn't America, we're not doing advanced placement courses here," you chortled.

"That stands for armour piercing shot you air headed nincompoop!" He retorted, annoyed.

You simply rolled your eyes and began.

"Goal's to kill this guy huh? Seems easy enough," you shrugged. A spark of lightning later and he was burnt to a crisp.

Of course, you'd also caused a power outage but that's another story.

Simply put, Aizawa wasn't happy.

Though Denki and you did manage to fix the outage and get everything up and running again.

"Nice sharp shooting gear you got there Denks," you gestured to his upgrades.

"Thanks Y/N! I got inspired by your mini refinery and visor set so Hatsume made me one," he explained.

"Quit yer yapping and get to work dumbasses," Bakugo grumbled.

"Damn ok Dad," you both rolled your eyes, laughing, going back to practice.

You clambered back up onto the pillar, facing the clone as you thought about your next move. You couldn't use lightning at that high voltage, it would cause another outage. Since it was your strongest lightning, you could decrease it but that wouldn't help much to learn.

Then you remembered something.

Smirking, you walked around Ectoplasm in a circle, defending yourself from all his attacks but never once attacking yourself.

"In a real life fight you'll be dead," your teacher reminded.

"Will I now?" You asked in response.

The storm you had created burst on cue, coating the surroundings in multiple different weather phases.

Whilst you were walking around, you set up an air bubble to contain the impending storm.

A series of severe wind, fog, hail, snow, rain, lightning, thunder, temperature changes and sensory disturbances followed, surrounding Ectoplasm.

It was a move more on the defensive side though it was a useful one, since it disturbed with almost all the necessary battle senses.

You appeared out of seemingly nowhere and delivered a swift kick to the clone's head, knocking him out cold.

"Allow me to introduce my new move: Weather Hell," you cleared the storm, astounding everyone in class.

Midoriya immediately pulled out his notebook and began asking questions.

"Woah, woah, woah, calm down. That move isn't too special, it's pure defence. What surprises me more is that you haven't thought of anything yet," you remarked.

"Yeah, the doctors said I'll only damage my arms. So I'm thinking what to do so I don't damage them," he shrugged.

You nodded at that and headed to Denki and Kirishima.

"Yo epic move Shirakumo-chan!" Kirishima waved at you. "Super manly."

"Same to you Kirishima-kun. Why the shirtless sleeves?" You pointed at his costume.

"I told you that's what their called!" Denki cheered in triumph.

"I genuinely had more hope for the smartest person in class," Kirishima sighed. "I'm using these so I don't accidentally scratch someone in rescue. Especially in unbreakable mode I become harder than concrete."

Essentially, everything was normal. Class continued and all students settled into their dorms as relationships began to grow with each other.

One thing no one noticed however were the cracks in your relationship with none other than Bakugo Katsuki.

The two of you knew you were each the source for the other's pain, but did nothing to address the issue. In public, sure, you acted friendly. But other than that, you avoided him like the plague.

Your classmates never noticed, only saw the facade both of you put up, but the two of you easily saw through the other's act.

You sighed at the thought, feeling guilty that you hadn't approached him but still wanting to give him time.

"Aizawa-Sensei, my upgrades should be delivered now. Can I pick them up?" You asked.

"Sure," the older man grumbled, letting you head straight to the support department.

Iida and Uraraka soon joined you, both wanting to find their friend who left a while earlier.

Though before you reached the door, an explosion knocked Iida and Uraraka back, as both Mei and Midoriya became visible.

Mei was lying on top of Midoriya, rambling as she recognized him from the sports festival.

"Huh? Who are you two?" She pointed at the two behind you. "Y/N! I need to show you baby #306, I promise it works this time."

Just like that, the four of you were whisked into the development studio.

You grinned at the familiar sight that surrounded you whilst the other three awed at the clustered mess of genius.

"God I missed this place," you whispered, smiling at your girlfriend.

Mei beamed at you, golden eyes twinkling with sheer joy at your reaction.

"Now, what are you here for strangers?" She turned around, facing the trio.

M. Hatsume X F! Reader: The Devil in Pink (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now