Chapter 17: A Hero's Two Sides

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When you heard that Mirko was beautiful, you didn't expect that they meant chiseled goddess with no flaws. The woman was fucking hot with great thighs and biceps, white hair adding a brilliant contrast to her caramel skin. Said woman was also your fucking teacher you'd live with the next week.

If you weren't even partially devoted to Mei, you'd definitely have picked her. Though there's a large age gap.

"Hey, I'm Mirko! Your quirk's pretty cool, great reflexes and flexibility too!" She beamed before asking the dreaded question.

"Why'd you pick my agency?"

"I wanted to improve my reflexes, strength and hand to hand combat," you responded calmly. "What should I address you as? Any honorifics you prefer?"

The beauty in front of you laughed at your politeness, not having expected it from someone so ruthless on the battlefield.

"Just Mirko is fine Shirakumo-San," she grinned, hands on her hips. "Now what's your hero name?"

Before you could answer however, the hero was already on her way running and jumping like the rabbit she was. Her legs were arguably stronger than yours, due to the years of training, but you simply floated above her with a cloud and let the wind carry you.

Until a certain bird brain and his disciple knocked into you midair causing your mentor to laugh out loud.

"Man the look on your face was priceless!" She snickered, helping you up. "We'll be off then, try not to fly like a drunk again."

The two of you made your way to the agency only for her to slap you upside the head as soon as you entered.

"I hope you know quirks aren't allowed to be used in public without a permit?" She glared. "Accidents such as the one just now are all too likely. Since you're technically being supervised by me, it's alright but for lord's sake be careful," she sighed as you sheepishly nodded.

"Now, I've seen what your quirk can do but I haven't seen what you can do without it. Training room is straight down the hall, changing room right next to it. Change into your costume and then we'll spar, without quirks," she explained, guiding the way to the rooms.

"Sounds good to me, what are the rules?" You asked.

"I'll explain when you're done changing," she shook off your question, strutting off to the training room.


You were fast to say the least, mainly because the anxiety of keeping your mentor waiting was too large. Within a minute, you were out in perfect costume. Of course, you didn't have any apparatus since it all assisted your quirk and you didn't think a pocket knife would be safe in a hand to hand combat against one of the country's most respected people.

"Nice, you changed quickly," Mirko smirked.

"Yep, didn't want to keep ya waiting," you responded.

"I'm thinking we don't go straight to sparring, but do endurance and conditioning beforehand," Mirko pondered. "What's your max pushup count?"

"With or without weight?" You raised an eyebrow.

"You've done with? What's your max weight and count?" She smiled, eyes glimmering.

"8 kg and 50. Without I can go up to 150," you rubbed your neck sheepishly.

"Impressive. What other skills do you have?" She raised an eyebrow.

"50 bench presses, 100 pull ups, 200 sit ups. If we're talking unrelated to training then I can cook and bike. I play the bass as well," you listed.

"I sure as hell hope you can bike, that's a life skill. Cooking and a musician, nice," the caramel skinned hero grinned.

"No, bike as in motorbike. It go vroom vroom," you laughed awkwardly.

Boy was she excited when she found that out. Mirko's eyes sparkled like diamonds over the fact that you had a biker's license.

"Alright! Now I can pin your strengths and weaknesses more accurately," she grinned devilishly. "Your weakness lies in underestimating yourself. You rarely make the first move and often don't consider all options of both yourself and the opponent. You wait and see what they do and try to match it with what you can do. That won't work in real life. Often, lives will be at risk, civilian lives, people with families, kids, partners. They can't fight, they need to be rescued. If you wait, they die.

Now your strengths, on the other hand, are very wide. You have multiple talents and an extremely wide knowledge in many subjects and fields. This is handy but your usage needs to be faster and more accurate. Of course, your quirk usage is also top tier but you're hesitant and aren't ready to explore every part. In battle, you can't hesitate especially in life or death situations. I know you've been in them so you'll definitely have some experience, but please don't hesitate. Having blood on your hands, being too late to save a person you could've - no, should've - saved is the worst feeling," Mirko finished her lecture.

"I won't. You've got my word on that," you smirked in return, not backing down from the seeming challenge set in front of you.

"Good. Now, I don't know much about your hero knowledge so we'll do a patrol and I can quiz you, yeah? If you see any classmates, address them by their code name. We don't want to open up more targets for the hero killer," she decided.

"Sounds good to me. Will we investigate anything on that?" You asked, curious about the vigilante-villain.

"No. I won't endanger your life unnecessarily," the hero shook her head.

You nodded in understanding, admiration lighting up like fire at the humble and honest words.

What she said was harsh, yes, but Mirko's a hero who can critique and take criticism, she has no egotistical personality, and is certainly a fun hero. The woman was an idol for every young girl in Japan and she knew it, but went about it in the most humble way without flaunting her power and position like Endeavour or All Might did.

All Might wasn't too bad in that department, he was revered by everyone else without doing any flashy tricks. Endeavour on the other hand was a hero not creditable of his position, his power, his reputation and his ranking. Very few knew what went on behind closed doors, Aizawa and you being one of them. Neither of you had been huge fans of the hero ever since.

"Hey Mirko, what do you think about the fact that you're a role model for all young girls?" You asked, genuinely curious.

"I'm honoured. And I hope the girls will do better than I ever could," she smirked, opening the door to let you two out. "I hope you will do better, Cloud Nine."

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