Chapter 26: Confessions and Decisions

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You were nervous.

Nervous was an understatement.

Your hands were clammy, you forgot how to breathe, and you were pretty sure you were on the verge of cardiac arrest. Hopefully that wouldn't happen.

Why were you nervous?

Saturday morning, 10 AM, was your date with Hatsume at a coffee shop you both liked. Both of you went there often to study, and were regulars.

It was 9:30 AM, you woke up 5 minutes ago, didn't know what to wear or what to do with that mess you called hair, and don't get me started on confidence.

The girl was someone you'd known since you were 6 and had been best friends with ever since. A wrong move and you wouldn't just risk embarrassing yourself, you'd lose your lifelong best friend along with it.

"Alright, calm down Y/N. You got this. Totally. You're definitely not going to screw everything up because of a mistake," you began rambling.

Aizawa did not like that.


"Ugh time for last resorts," you groaned, clicking the call button on your phone.

"Y/N-Chan? Everything alright? Oh no your date's today, did something go wrong?" Then he hung up.

What a great friend.

"Kaminari what the hell are you doing at my house at 9:35 in the morning?" You heard Aizawa seeth from below.

"I'm helping my best friend out, now let me in!" Denki stomped.

"Denks thank God you're here, help me," you rushed down only to drag him upstairs.

"I forget you live with that demon sometimes," Denki muttered as he rummaged through your closet. "Are we going gay as fuck or if you're a very hot guy you can talk to me?"

"I'm on the verge of a breakdown I don't care!" You yelped, trying to do something with your hair.

Turns out Denki knew more about fashion than he let on.

So now you were wearing black ripped jeans paired with a white tank top and a red flannel as an overcoat. As for your bird's nest- I mean hair- that was tamed mildly into a messy bun.

"Casual, nice," you breathed out a sigh of relief as you pocketed the tickets and took a handbag with all your weapons.

"Stay safe, have fun, fill me in," Denki beamed at you, giving you a thumbs up.

You headed down and were met with an unexpected question.

"When am I meeting her?" Aizawa asked, making both of you choke on your spit. "You aren't exactly subtle you know?"

"If everything goes well, maybe after camp," you told him, to which he nodded.

9:45 AM and you were at the Hatsume household, preparing to knock the door.

When you did, the friendly face of her mother appeared.

Hatsume inherited most of her looks from her father, but the distinct bubblegum pink hair you loved so much came from her mother. Though, whilst Mei let it grow out, her mother had it cut into a cute pixie cut.

Mei came to the door mere seconds later, sporting a neater version of her workshop clothes.

"Are you doing anything this summer?" You asked her as you walked to the cafe.

That got the conversation rolling. She began excitedly rambling about the expo and new inventions she was working on while you eagerly listened.

"What about you? What are you doing?" She asked, smiling.

"Well there's the expo and then training camp in week two. Other than that I'm just relaxing. Maybe I can help you out in the workshop, that sounds fun," you offered.

"Definitely! You already know how to do it so I don't have to teach you anything. It'll be super fun!" Mei cheered.

The two of you got to the cafe and ordered your usuals, a f/d for you while she had a black coffee. You decided to get a strawberry shortcake for yourself as well and she took a chocolate cake.

Obviously, you paid.

"I got the tickets to the expo already, I'll give you yours now so you can keep it. Sound good?" You told her as soon as you sat down.

The cafe generally kept a table reserved for the two of you since you came every day. A nice corner table near windows and close to the bathroom. From there you had the view of everyone else so you two could gossip, but they would have to crane their necks to see you.

"Sounds good to me. But on to more important things," she agreed before clearing her throat and taking a deep breath. "We like each other, we both know it. What do we want to do about it? You're busy with hero studies I don't want to come in and disrupt that-"


"Just Mei. We've gotten past the point of needing honorifics haven't we?" She shrugged.

You smiled at that, happy she was that comfortable around you.

"You won't disrupt my hero studies Mei. If worse comes to worst, we can call a break or just break up that'll be a choice for the future. But I promise I've thought about it," you explained.

"So does that mean I can call you my girlfriend now?" She asked innocently.

The realisation hit you as soon as she said the words, a blush spreading across your face.

"Yes, yes it does," you mumbled as you attempted and failed to cover the blush.


"Shut up Kaminari, this is going great," Kirishima hissed as he hid behind a menu.

"Wait shut up hide someone's coming," Mina hissed.

The menus were slammed down by a glaring Y/N as she raised an eyebrow at the three idiots.

"You know, looking like French people and hiding behind menus is a terrible idea. Though Mina does pull off the moustache," you sighed at their idiocy.

"Next time if you're spying on someone, call me and I can fix up a gadget," Mei remarked.

"You're lucky it went well, otherwise I'd have whooped your sorry assess," you threatened. "Kirishima-kun, when the time comes will you be my best man?"

"I- Y/N after all these years you pick the guy you've known for a few months?" Denki whined.

"Denki you know me well enough to know I'm not that much of a bitch. You're the one officiating the wedding," you laughed at which the electric blonde nearly cried 'manly' tears of joy.

All in all, the date went well.

You couldn't wait to spend a week with only her by your side, at a science fair.

A/N: filler chapter for the confession. Next chapter is the I-Island movie, a special. You don't need to read that to understand the rest. I'll mark it as special so you can skip. Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to comment for suggestions and improvements, I love reading them!


M. Hatsume X F! Reader: The Devil in Pink (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now