Chapter 49: a sidekick's pledge

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You quickly reached a shrine, where you met up with Fatgum and Nighteye's squads.

"Oh you're still alive," Rock Lock commented.

"Unfortunately," you hummed, following Nighteye into the hidden door.

The place was dark, damp and musty, causing you to sneeze a few times. Your quirk was already weaker underground due to the lack of circulation and humidity, if you were weak to the one place you could freely use it, you'd be nothing but a hindrance.

You on a mask to cover your nose from the allergic reaction, before attempting to make your way around in the dark.

It wasn't long before you bumped into a tall figure.

"Damn, genuinely didn't think you'd be ripped, Nighteye," you shrugged, going closer to 'Nighteye' to seek protection.

"Didn't take you for an idiot either, yet here we are," Nighteye's voice came from the opposite end of the room.

You slowly turned around, fear overtaking you as you realised that you weren't standing next to the hero, but his counterpart instead.

"Hey," you nervously chuckled, throwing fingerguns at him.

The man simply looked at you in complete disappointment, before attacking the heroes behind you.

Your eyes widened, hoping for the best since his quirk was still unknown.

But nothing happened.

You turned around to see Aizawa's glowing red eyes, accompanied by his gravity defying hair. Knowing that he had your back, you let out a sigh of relief before charging into quirkless combat with him.

Bubble Girl and Centipeder joined you in fighting the villains, letting the others go ahead.

"Just like old times, huh Cloudy?" Bubble Girl grinned at you as the two of you stood back to back.

You smirked in response, though before you could say something, you noticed a villain launching an attack at her.

Instantly, you crushed him with a gust of wind, throwing him against the wall.

"Glad to see you've still got my back," she breathed out, still in shock.

"We made a promise," you reminded her, turning around to fight those against you as well.

'I pledge to be a sidekick the country can be proud of and can count on. I'll always be there when people need help.'

Those were the words of a naive girl, only a mere five years ago. Though, who can blame her? She was only ten after all. She'd barely experienced the world.

Now after five years, she was stronger, both mentally and physically. She was a terrifying person, capable of destroying people by bringing out their worst fears only to turn around and apologise.

But even after experiencing the cruelty of the world first hand, knowing that she can't save everyone, she still attempted.

"That's always been your nature, hasn't it?" Bubble Girl asked you, smiling gently.

"Always has, always will," you responded, sending a swift roundhouse kick to the head of a Yakuza member. "Alright, we're done here. Let's go find the others."

Though it wasn't that simple.

Just as you turned around to leave, a villain regained consciousness and plunged a knife just to the left of your spinal cord.

You coughed out blood, reeling from the impact, before falling forward into Bubble Girls arms.

Centipeder and Bubble Girl took care of the villain while you sat down against a wall and used up an emergency cloud to absorb the blood splattering everywhere.

Blood dripped down your chin and down the side of your ribcage, and before long, you were coated in the natural crimson pigment.

"I'm tired," you mumbled, eyes beginning to droop. "And dizzy."

Bubble Girl left the villain to Centipeder and rushed to your side to administer basic first aid.

The knife had been removed by the villain himself, causing more blood flow, so she took whatever fabric was remaining on your jacket and made a makeshift bandage.

"Put your weight on your right leg when you walk, and whatever you do, don't fall asleep," she ordered, picking you up so you could just about stand and lean against her.

You nodded, coughing out more blood as you held onto her chest, trying to stabilise yourself.

"Should've just cooperated with us," a Yakuza member scoffed as he got handcuffed by Centipeder.

"You're crazy," you smirked back, voice raspy as you clenched your ribs in pain. You could barely stand up, were bent over trying to reduce the bleeding, yet you somehow still found the energy within you to send a snarky remark.

"Why you little brat, I oughta stab you a second time!" He growled, struggling against the handcuffs.

"Yeah?" You asked, chuckling ironically. "Aim to actually kill me this time. It'll do us both a favour."

"If you wanna die that badly, Overhaul should be able to arrange something," he retorted.

You looked up at Bubble Girl, wondering if she knew who Overhaul was.

"Chisaki I'm guessing," she raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, he goes by Overhaul now," the Yakuza member nodded. "He used to be noble, used to look out for us. But now, now he's only looking out for his success. Yakuza doesn't engage with villains unless necessary. So why did he willingly bring them here?"

You knew the feeling yourself. The feeling of wanting to find a place in a cruel, sceptical world. Villains found it even more difficult than heroes, just because of the things they did in the past, or because their quirk seemed villainous.

Shinso was the perfect example of a boy who could've become a villain, but proved everyone wrong by entering U.A.

People who never had anyone by their side, never had anyone believe in them, would already have severe trust issues as soon as someone began to be kind.

But if the one person who showed kindness, the only person they could trust, abandoned them?

The already broken people, break even further.

"It does suck, doesn't it?" You asked him emphatically.

"You'll arrest us, won't you?" He asked, all fight lost in his eyes.

The three of you only nodded at that, pity filling your eyes as you saw his pathetic state.

'I'll help as many people as I can, and try to improve the society by each contribution. However, I understand that I can't help everyone.'

That was the pledge you took five years ago, the same pledge which made you the hero in training you are now.

We've almost hit 50 chapters! Thoughts on a special for ch 50 and a potential continuation into the manga arcs?

Question of the day: how are you?

Hope you enjoyed :)

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