Chapter 61: Let it Flow! School Festival!

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The nervous tension in the room was evident as everyone waited for Midoriya to arrive. You'd all tested the equipment and done a last run through to the point where it was ingrained in your brain.

"Fucking hell, we've got 45 minutes left and the jackass still isn't here," you groaned taking your phone out.

You instantly began scrolling through HN, hoping there would be some news on there.


He hadn't texted you either, there weren't any missed calls, he'd just completely disappeared.

You sighed and set your equipment down, getting up and ready to leave.

"Where're you going, we're up in 45," Jirou asked, startled.

"Listen, that motherfucker is in some trouble I know it. I'm off to see what's taking him so long and I'm taking the nearest teacher on duty with me," you explained quickly, rushing out without even waiting for an answer.

Thankfully for you, the first teacher you ran into was Ectoplasm, who was already well informed on the situation.

The man was accompanied by an armada of his clones and Hound Dog. This instantly made sure you'd cover surface area while being able to pinpoint his location.

"Try smelling him," Ectoplasm ordered.

"Excuse me, what?" You scoffed in disbelief. "My quirk doesn't encompass-"

"Your quirk can encompass anything you will it to," he shrugged nonchalantly, walking ahead, Hound Dog behind him. "You will stay here until you find a way."

You groaned in annoyance, though chose to stay put as an angered Ectoplasm was someone you didn't want to deal with.

Choosing the one quiet area in the crowded campus, you headed there to begin your training.

"Ok Y/N, breathe in," you whispered, sitting down as you gained full awareness of all the most minute particles in the air.

While you'd usually bring them to your hands or feet to feel them and get a rough map, you didn't do that this time but instead sat trying to figure out how to find your friend.

You sighed and looked at the tree standing next to you, almost as if it were a wise person who could lead you somewhere.

"You know what," you decided, stomping the ground as you sent wave after wave of wind, giving you clear images in your head. "Fuck it."

A deathly smirk was etched onto your face as you located your friend, only to find him sparring with two others.

Deciding to risk it all, you rushed off into his direction, trying to help him before the situation worsened.

You quite literally flew into the forest, accidentally knocking over an Ectoplasm clone.

"So you learned how to do it in less than a minute?" Your teacher asked, raising an eyebrow.

You glared at him, helping Midoriya up while they arrested the criminal.

"I'd rather learn it at my own pace than rush it when a friend needs help," you scoffed. "It's 9:20, you got the stuff?"

The boy visibly froze at that, remembering that he'd forgotten all the rope at the convenience store.

"You get that, I'll get your things ready so that we can get on stage ASAP," you sighed, patting his back and running back to school.

The Ectoplasm clones and Hound Dog escorted the grandpa looking criminal to the police, while the actual Ectoplasm walked with Midoriya to get the bag of props.

Meanwhile, you were sprinting across woods, hair flying everywhere as you reached the doorstep of U.A high, completely out of breath.

"Oh thank fuck, you're alive," Jirou sighed, wrapping her arms around you. "I thought we'd lost the one person who was partially sane!"

"Yeah just go ahead and ignore me you know," Bakugo grumbled, making you laugh breathlessly.

"The dumbass forgot the props and got caught in a fight," you panted. "He's getting them, but we've got to get ready."

Everyone's eyes widened at your announcement and they instantly began rushing around doing final preparations.

Kirishima rushed down from the upper wings to give you a glass of water to cool down, though you were back on your feet quickly and began helping the organised chaos.

"Plug in the amps dumbass!"

"Who's the cousin of queen Elizabeth twice removed?"

"I told you to get your clothes ready, not to recite the royal family! I know you're obsessed but geeze."

"A dead fish! Oh nevermind that's just Tsu."

"Fuck you."

"Please don't, thank you."

"Guys I lost our air conditioner."

"For the last time-"

Yeah. Panicking hero course students was something you never wanted to relive in your remaining lifetime.

It was a mess until Kirishima went responsible mode and had to knock everyone to their senses.

"All of you calm down!" He yelled, raising his voice for probably the first time all year. The redhead then gestured to you.

"Midoriya will be here soon, we've got everything set up already but all we need is to have his costume laid out as accessible as possible so that he can change in less than a minute," you summarised, checking your watch. "We're up in 5, someone man Midoriya's costume, effects go upstairs! It's go time, we got this!"

"Let's blow their minds, Plus Ultra style," Iida grinned, rushing off as the chaos ensued again.

Aoyama decided to stay behind while all of you finished the last minute details. Everyone had changed and set up their instruments and were waiting on stage for the curtains to go up.

"Alright, quiet backstage," you whispered. "What's the status?"

"Boo," you heard someone giggle as they covered your eyes.

"Jackass, I was worried about you," you chuckled lowly, punching his shoulder. "In the knick of time and dressed completely as well."

You were right, the greenette had returned and cleansed himself completely in less than a minute.

Rolling your eyes, you watched the boy take his position as the curtains went up.

The hall was dark as your audience watched, waiting for something to happen.

"Let's kill it!" Bakugo yelled from behind you as the lights flashed on.

You flashed the crowd a dazzling grin as you strummed your bass line, completely in sync with Jirou and Denki.

Multiple effects had been added to the show, those which mostly consisted of the dancers and your various quirks, awing the crowd.

Needless to say your class astounded everyone with the performance, and blew the minds of those who were previously trash talking about you.

All the solos left the crowd cheering and eager for more, on their toes until the very end, which ended in a bang thanks to Bakugo.

The audience was left cheering and applauding as all of you on stage were breathing heavily, still reeling in euphoria.

The best part?

A certain young girl who'd come to see your show was smiling the entire time.

Question of the day: so, as an author who loves and treasures their readers, I'm planning for things to go downhill. Any ideas as to what I might have planned?

Have a good day/night :)

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