Chapter 62: Withered Love

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The band team was the first to exit the stage, with Kaminari leading the way. All of you set your things down instantly, massaging your shoulders from holding your instruments for a long time.

Suddenly, Jirou came running in, followed by Bakugo who was walking.

The girl rushed up to you and jumped, wrapping her legs around your waist and pulling you into a kiss.

Your eyes widened in shock momentarily, though you melted into the kiss and deepened it, much to the shock of others.

"Woah woah woah, what the hell Y/N?" Denki asked, grabbing your arm before you could go further. "You've got a girl!"

"My girl isn't mine anymore," you scoffed.

"Doesn't mean you can make out with a random chick, what's gotten into you?" He asked, getting increasingly annoyed.

Kaminari Denki rarely got mad. He was a bubbly person who hid his insecurities with a large smile and his intoxicating personality. But mad? No, you'd never seen him mad.

He was friends with everyone and had an open mind, didn't judge no matter what. So when he began openly judging you, you knew you'd fucked up.

"Listen, Hatsume and I aren't dating-" you began, only to be interrupted by someone.

"No. We decided we'd be on a break. We could still date once we figured things out," a livid voice growled. "Just because I chose to pause things for a bit to give us time to figure things out, to give you time to figure things out, doesn't mean you can go make out with someone Shirakumo-San."

The pink haired girl, who you noticed standing in the doorway behind you, then stalked out, angrier than ever.

You turned around again, only to be met with a swift slap to the face.

"Ow, what the fuck?" You asked, shoving Denki away.

"Listen I'm not mad that you didn't tell us you were on a break, but I'm mad you fucked up your best friendship. Are you really going to let her go?" He seethed, only to be held back by Kirishima.

"Cool down man, we all need to take a deep breath and calm down," he sighed, though evidently shot a disappointed glance at both you and Jirou.

"Don't blame her," you snapped instantly. "I knew what I was doing, it's not her fault!"

"She fucking kissed you, not even knowing that you were on a break," Bakugo stepped in. "I'm pretty fucking sure it's her fault Air Head."

"For fucks sake, calm down," Kirishima groaned. "Bakugo, you're with me. Kaminari, go with Sero. Jirou, with Mina. Y/N, with Midoriya."

You scoffed at the boy as he split you up, knowing full well it was for the best. Two hotheads were involved in the argument, and the entire thing was a mess. It was best you'd separate for now and cool your minds so that you wouldn't increase the tension later.

"Sorry," Jirou mumbled.

"I told you, it's not your fault. I fucked up," you scoffed, walking over to Midoriya, who'd just started cleaning up.

"It'll get better soon, promise," he smiled softly at you, continuing to pick up large chunks of ice.

You nodded in response, changing the topic instantly.

"Did you see Eri's smile," you asked, almost smiling as you remembered the girl beaming wider than ever.

You'd taken Midoriya's words to heart. You knew that if a traumatised girl like Eri, who'd been killed and resurrected millions of times could find it within herself to smile, you'd be able to as well.

M. Hatsume X F! Reader: The Devil in Pink (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now