Chapter 48: Go time!

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It felt like decades passed by while Eri's location was being found. Every single day, you grew more and more anxious, worried for the life of a girl you'd never met.

"Y/N," you heard someone faintly call. "Shirakumo-San!"

That jolted you back to reality.

"Huh?" You asked meekly.

"What is it with you?" Mei asked. "Are you sick? You're usually so focused."

"Don't worry about it Mei," you tried to shrug her off, hoping she'd listen.

"No fucking way. I'm going to worry, especially if it impacts your health," she retorted.

You sighed, having expected the answer.

"Sorry, just stressed with work studies. I can't tell you yet, but I promise, once we fix it I'll tell you all about it," you smiled gently at her.

She grinned brightly, eyes sparkling with delight as she cupped your cheek and pulled you in for a short kiss.

"Can I relieve your stress somehow?" She asked as soon as you pulled apart, noses still touching.

You giggled and pressed a kiss to her lips again, smiling as you felt the tension from your shoulders dissipate.

Once you pulled away, you asked her a question.

"Would you ever want to adopt a child with me?" You asked gently.

You avoided eye contact, scared the question would freak her out or make her uncomfortable. It was abrupt, and even though you had your reasons, Mei couldn't know about them yet.

She gently lifted your chin up with her index finger, forcing you to look up at her.

The look on her face wasn't one that showed anger, it was one of disapproval.

"Y/N, I will gladly adopt a kid with you. But you've got to decrease your stress, not increase it. How about we talk about this again later, maybe after you finish your mission?" She offered.

"Yeah, that sounds nice," you smiled ever so lightly as you wrapped your arms around her neck and pulled her in for a tight hug.

"Promise me you'll survive," she whispered, pulling your closer.

"Promise," you mumbled against the crook of her neck.

It wasn't long before you received the email, confirming Eri's location. The five of you stood outside Heights Alliance one night, comparing emails, making sure everyone had gotten it.

"No information except that we need to meet at Nighteye's office," you mumbled.

"It's a smart thing to do, kero," Tsu commented, to which you nodded.

The next morning, you all got up early, and headed straight to the office.

Nighteye revealed her location, claiming her to still be at headquarters. When asked why, he stated that someone had bought a girl's doll at the toy store.

"My guy, you're a thirty year old man in a toy store. He could've just been an enthusiast," you commented.

Nighteye flushed in embarrassment as chuckles resounded, though instantly regained his composure.

"I brushed his shoulder, touched it lightly, to look into his future. His future is highly intertwined with Eri's, he's got to be a caretaker," he defended.

You grinned brightly as soon as the evidence was proven, exchanging a high five with Mirio out of pure delight.

"We've still got to prepare the squads," Aizawa reminded, calming everyone down again.

"Everything is on the papers I'll pass around," Nighteye nodded, handing files to everyone. "This has information on everything we need."

You scanned the papers for your name, eager to find out what squad you were on.

Your heart stopped when you found out you were going in with Sir Nighteye, as a strategist.

You looked up at that, glaring.

"I'm still going to fight, right?" You checked, voice stern, knowing you wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Yes, you will," Nighteye sighed. "You'll be shifting wherever necessary, I heard your battle planning is suitable for rescue missions especially."

You nodded in approval, glad to be on the field.

All the heroes moved out of the office, tension and apprehension thick in the air, the idea of messing up making even the best of the best nervous.

You checked your watch, trying to get a rough idea of how much time you'd wasted.

How much longer she'd had to suffer because you were too late.

For a young girl like her, the pain and fear would be much worse than for slightly more developed brains. If she was still alive, you were determined to save and protect her, until you died.

The police force was there with you as well, though they were more of a reassurance and last resort.

Behind you, you could hear everyone worry about the upcoming task. All of your friends feared for both their lives and the lives of their friends and mentors.

"Cloud Nine, any information yet?" Kirishima asked you, handing you a bagel.

"Thanks Red Riot," you smiled lightly, taking the bagel gratefully. "I can feel something going on underground, but it's very faint so the images are fuzzy."

You were put on recon for now, since you'd be able to easily gather information until the raid began.

Suddenly, your eyes widened.

"Everyone move!" You yelled immediately, getting your quirk ready and charging to the front.

The gates of the Shie Hassaikai headquarters burst open as a large man sent officers flying in all directions.

Midoriya and Aizawa saved all the remaining police officers whilst you and Ryukyu engaged in combat with the villain.

You were barely airborne, had just lifted yourself off the ground to land a hit, before the first punch came flying your way.

Ryukyu's reflexes were slightly faster than yours, and she instantly shifted to her dragon form and smashed the villain into the ground.

"Everyone go!" You yelled instantly, allowing them some escape time.

Once Ryukyu gave the ok, you left her with her interns and rushed in behind the other heroes as well.

Your first encounter was with the police force, all running in different directions.

"What's going on?" You asked the nearest officer.

"Fatgum told us to beeline, I believe you're still needed in combat," he responded, rushing past you.

You nodded in response, sprinting down the halls in the direction where you hoped he'd be.

The Shie Hassaikai raid had officially begun. Whoever died, would be remembered by all the survivors.

A/N: what do ya'll think of a pride month oneshot/ headcanon book which may or may not be connected to this book?

Question of the day pt. 2: any future books you'd like to see? I'm most comfy with writing JJK, mha and haikyuu, though I can try other things as well. With or without love interest, slow burn etc. preferably specified, otherwise I'll make something up myself.

Happy pride month :)

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