Chapter 50: frustration and agitation

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It wasn't long before you fell unconscious into Bubble Girl's arms, mainly due to blood loss. Whilst you still had your jacket wrapped tightly around your waist, it still absorbed the blood you lost.

You were slipping in and out of consciousness while Centipeder and Bubble Girl brought you back to the surface before going back in themselves.

There, you were tended to by Ryukyu and her interns, along with a team of doctors that were on standby today.

You were unconscious and anesthised for the process, though that didn't stop the pain from rushing in once you woke up and the adrenaline died down.

"Hey hey hey, calm down," Ryukyu instantly spoke up, noticing your incoming panic. "You lost a lot of blood, thankfully you didn't injure any muscles. There aren't any sutures either because it wasn't deep, just wide. You're gonna have to wear this for a while."

"This?" You questioned drowsily, still not completely awake.

Your question was answered when you looked down to see thick gauze and bandages wrapped around your ribcage and chest.

"Yeah, you're not getting your shirt and jacket back," she nervously chuckled, however you surprisingly laughed.

"Oh God that hurts," you gasped. "Cool, I'm going back in now."

Tsu instantly delivered a slap to your face with her tongue.

"Did that get the idiocy out of you?" She asked ironically.

"It's a scratch, I'll be fine," you shrugged her off, standing up, only to feel nauseated instantly.

"How's that paper cut of yours doing?" She asked sarcastically, earning a weak glare from you.

You straightened up immediately and attempted to walk over to the entrance, though it was extremely difficult to move anywhere.

"Fine," you groaned, admitting defeat. "It hurts. But we've got friends and classmates in there. There's a child in there. I'm not going to stand here when I can do something!"

"You're injured, you need resting!" Tsu yelled back, the first time you'd ever seen her mad. "Let's try to minimise the death toll."

"But Eri-" you began.

"There's an entire team rescuing Eri. Who will rescue you when you get stuck?" She asked, trying to reason with your stubbornness.

You nodded in acceptance, guilt overtaking you that you couldn't even do something to aid the rescue mission.

Though it didn't take long before you grit your teeth in frustration and agitation and stood up again, adrenaline coursing through your veins.

"Didn't I tell you to stay put?" Tsu groaned.

"Yeah? Well I said I don't give a shit. I've found their location, now help me dig a bit," you growled back, pointing to a spot on the ground.

With a forceful blast of wind, you sent some of the concrete in the area crashing down, but made sure to catch it before it could land anywhere.

Once all the huge chunks were swept up with wind and placed to the side, where they couldn't hurt anyone, the adrenaline died down once again.

"Must you injure yourself all the time, kero?" Tsu asked, worried.

"Froppy I'm fine. I've got bigger priorities now, and bleeding isn't one of them," you shrugged the pain off, attempting to jump down and join the battle, only to be pulled back by your friend's tongue.

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