Chapter 37: the hurricane's true power

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As soon as you'd gotten away from the red zone, you began running. There were multiple unlucky students who'd already gotten out due to a huge storm.

You being you, instantly ran in that direction. Using up your wind now wasn't smart since it'd only leave you out of breath before the exam even fully started. Of course, running the entire way would do the same.

Since there was wind coming from one specific point, you could easily find the source. But since wind isn't something that can be tamed, many stray gusts headed your way, which you used to propel you forward.

However, as soon as you noticed that it wasn't some type of indoor hurricane, but a person with insanely good control, you froze in your spot.

120 students were taken out by one single person.

You weren't backing down, you could use the opportunity.

Instantly noticing people that were still dazed from the attack, you threw the softballs at them, thereby being the second person to pass the prelims.

"Shirakumo Y/N and Yoarashi Inasa both pass to the next round," the commentator announced.

The two of you had taken out 120 people before the 5 minute mark had passed. Naturally, he was more powerful since his quirk solely focused on wind. You, however, were more versatile due to the sheer amount of variety you had up your sleeve.

The two of you were told to proceed to the waiting room. Yoarashi listened and stalked out of the stadium. You, on the other hand, walked further into the stadium as you searched for your friends.

It wasn't long before you stumbled onto your friends. Or rather, meat lumps that used to be your friends.

"Denki, I'm glad I found you, but I need context," you asked worriedly, as the blue haired boy kneaded his hands.

"You were second to pass the exams, were you not?" He asked. "Why do you put up with idiots like them?"

That did it for you. Anyone could call you stupid, bash you, call you out on your temper, anything. But as soon as it came to your friends, that's when you'd throw hands.

"Listen here you little shit, he might not be the smartest but he's trying. He's got friends, something I bet you've never had, and a strong quirk with a wide range," you growled, narrowly avoiding a finger he'd sent in your direction.

"It's fine Y/N-chan, I know I'm stupid," Denki muttered, lips trembling.

"In need of therapy as well, apparently. I'll distract him, you let the plan unfold," you sighed, charging in instantly.

The blonde was surprised at your words. Both because you'd deciphered his plan in seconds, but also because you were defending him against his own low self esteem.

The blue haired boy in front of you was out of fingers to send your way by now, so it was a pure close combat spar. You sent kicks and punches in each other's directions, taunting the other more and more.

You didn't want to use your quirk since that'd be heavily unfair on your opponent, but also because you wanted to see Denki's plan play out. If anything failed, you could knock him out.

You kicked the boy straight in the back, sending him right into the trap.

"For someone with a close range quirk, you really are bad at close combat Senpai," you smirked at him.

Denki fired a beam of electricity from his index finger, connecting each of the implanted pointers.

"Bakugo might be an impulsive brat with a terrible personality, but he's more serious about being a hero than anyone else! So don't talk crap about people you barely know," he yelled, the brilliant golden colour of his electricity flow surrounding him.

Once enough damage was done to the blue haired boy, he passed out, and all the previous meatballs came back to life in the form of dazed humans.

"What took you so long?" Bakugo smirked at Denki, before noticing your presence behind him as well.

"I could've left you as a meatball, you know?" Denki grumbled, gathering all his pointers together again.

The so called peace you had didn't last long. All three of them pounced on the helpless students, making multiple fail instantly but thereby ensuring their pass.

With that, the four of you walked out to the waiting room, where you met up with the others who'd passed.

"Shirakumo-chan! Why're you only coming out now, you were the second to pass?" Jirou questioned instantly.

"I wanted to check up to make sure my friends were alright. How many people from our class left?" You asked.

"9 people left. But there's only 18 seats," Todoroki mumbled.

"They'll be fine, I trust them that much," you grinned up at him.

You then noticed a lonely greenette standing near the food and drinks section. Seizing your opportunity, you waltzed up to him.

"You've gotten stronger," you mumbled, pouring yourself a drink. "Not that I'm surprised, you're terrible at hiding it."

Leaving the poor boy in shock, you began to make your way away from him, only to be stopped.

"Don't tell anyone please. Kacchan knows as well, did he tell you?" He asked.

"Katsuki-kun isn't a jackass, he knows how to keep a secret. I won't tell anyone," you promised him. "But I don't need to know the story."

"You're not going to question it?"

"In an era where quirks can be stolen, you can assume the reverse can happen as well. Quirks don't surprise me anymore," you shrugged, stalking off.

The greenette was scared of you.


Sometimes, the most fearsome people are those who pretend not to care, but can decipher multiple different stories simply by looking at the way you hold yourself. They're only surpassed by those who have nothing left to fight for.

One is calculating and reckless, to keep a facade while they plot, whereas the other is purely reckless due to their mindset.

So what happens when you're both?

Pure recklessness, impulsivity, mixed with the calculating, cold eyes of a hawk aren't always a blessing. More often than not, it's a double edged sword. But once it's tamed and cultivated, like the borrowed power, it's a stronger weapon than any quirk.

You weren't just the most powerful student in class, you were smart, aware, and you were willing to die for a cause.

The perfect mix of sugar and spice.

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