Chapter 22: Bloodthirsty maniacs

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The train ride to Hosu couldn't have felt longer. Both of you took your lunch on the go and arrived in a mere hour.

Mid day.

It was noon, the sun should've been high, yet clouds of ash covered any trace of the blazing fire ball as houses burned and citizens were evacuated.

"Cloud Nine, you're in charge of evacuation. I'm checking the fire source out," she yelled at you, most of her words after that drowned by the noise.

Both of you went your own ways as you began leading people out of their houses safely, while she scampered off to investigate.

Before long, they were all safely evacuated and Mirko found the source.

"Shoto-kun!" You waved at the candy cane haired boy.

"Huh? It's-" Todoroki began telling you to call him by his last name, only to realise that you called him by his hero name. "Sorry Cloud Nine."

"No worries," you smiled, shrugging it off. Just then, both your phones rang.

"Midoriya?" The boy next to you mumbled before running off.

You took one glance at Mirko and Endeavour, both still arguing about the... fiery situation and followed suit.

You, naturally, flew and picked Todoroki up on the way.

"Shut up and stop screaming, it's a surprise attack that'll work strategically. I've got the address, I'll drop you there then find more people to help," you groaned before finding a secluded enough place to drop him off at.

Though as soon as you attempted to take to the air again, the villain through knives straight at you.

Thankfully, all that training was put to use and you dodged them by the skin of your teeth.

You looked down in the direction of the thrower and made eye contact with the villain. You weren't surprised to say the least, Stain was all over Hosu. What worried you, however, was the safety of Midoriya, Todoroki and whoever else was down there.

You sighed and floated down to help your friends, all while taking in your surroundings.

"You know Tenya-San, going after dangerous villains on your own for the sake of revenge is pure stupidity," you spat out as soon as you caught sight of him.

Everyone's eyes widened at that. You were known for being blunt and vulgar with your words, said everything just as it was purely for the benefit of the other. But pure disgust was unbeknownst of you. Unexpected.

"I like your style. Now, I'll let you go and I'll let you live, if you leave my fight with these three," Stain offered.

You made eye contact with Midoriya and sent him a signal hoping he'd realise what you were trying to convey.

"Alright, your fight's with them," you agreed. Gasps of betrayal were heard behind you as you realised that they didn't crack the code.

You continued walking past the villain until you heard a knife whistling towards you.

You turned around with immense speed and instantly reversed the trajectory of the knife, sending it in Stain's direction instead.

"That the best you can do? Pathetic," you smirked, taunting him.

In the few minutes between dropping off Todoroki and Stain's offer, you had mapped out the entirety of Hosu using your newly developed sense move.

Naturally, your hypersensitivity was affected by this. Feeling all air particles around you constantly due to manipulating wind already allowed you to feel everything vaguely. By mapping your surroundings, the air itself was heavier on your shoulders as you distinctly felt every single particle and the effect it had.

Unfortunately for you, Stain dodged the knife and it whizzed past him in Todoroki's direction.

The half and half boy got a cut on his face that trickled a drop of blood. Naturally, this perked the interest of the bloodthirsty villain who in turn, jumped up and launched an aerial attack with his katana.

Todoroki blocked the attack and broke the Katana, sending it flying. Though, whilst he was looking up for another sighting of the villain, he was already grabbed by the collar as Stain attempted to lick the blood off his cheek. Todoroki pushed him away with his flames easily, before he lost blood.

The duel continues between them, both Midoriya and Iida joining in once they were free. All of them were immobilized multiple times but continued to fight while you watched from the rooftop above them.

Your appearance wasn't exactly concealed, but it would do for now. Todoroki trusted you, you knew that much, so he'd do his best in distracting and defeating the villain.

Why did you have to remain concealed?

You were destroying the villain from the inside out. Slowly, so he wouldn't notice, but quickly enough to spare the boys more pain.

Finally, enough air was removed from his lungs and they collapsed, causing the villain to faint.

The trio looked up at you in fear.

"You never told me you could do that," Midoriya mumbled.

"Oh yeah? Well congratulations, cause I just found out myself," you grumbled in response. "Of fucking course there's rope in the back alley dump."

Todoroki snickered lightly at your remark as he helped tie the rope and tow the villain. You carried Native and followed the trio.

Pro heroes were soon on site, ranging from Endeavour's sidekicks to Manual to-

"Old man? The hell are you doing here, I thought you were at a seniors home," you remarked as soon as you saw Gran Torino.

"And I thought you'd be somewhere not causing trouble," he bonked you.

"Clearly, you haven't met her," Midoriya mumbled.

Though your sweet moment of peace was instantly disturbed as a winged Nomu came flying down upon you.

Everyone ducked, but it still targeted the greenette and went flying.

In the shock that overcame you as you recognized the Nomu, your iron grip on Stain faded and the man regained consciousness though no one realised it for the time being.

Anyone that could, was instantly airborne, in a futile attempt to save the boy. But the person who saved him in the end was the villain you fought.

But after his heroic feat, he challenged all heroes present to a battle.

Most took a step back or tensed, some even fainted at the prospect.

"Save your breath," you boldly stated, clenching your fists. The man squinted at you and let out a loud laugh, until he ran out of breath and choked on blood.

The man and lost consciousness while standing in the perfect battle stance.

The heroes turned to look at you, immediately suspecting your interference.

"What? He was talking too much," you shrugged.

M. Hatsume X F! Reader: The Devil in Pink (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now