Chapter 19: Promise to an Idol

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Patrol was soon over ,and as promised, Mirko let you do some office work. Paperwork was, unfortunately, part of the career. A good majority of the profession consisted of neatly filling forms out for every single case so that the hero commission can look through them to graph crime ratings every half year.

More often than not, the forms also play into the pro hero ratings. Although it is mostly public opinion, crime solve rating will be sent in by the commission every now and then, affecting the entire rankings. The last time a huge leap was made was when Hawks became the No. 3 hero, scattering all rankings in less than a year.

Mirko's agency was a humble one, to say the least. Nothing like you expected but still fancy in its own ways. After a quick shower, you changed into your school uniform and looked through the papers on your temporary desk.

"You've got a desk here, I keep it for interns exclusively. I try to get most into this stuff so that starting an agency will be easier," she told you, sitting at her own desk.

The hero's desk was cluttered with papers and books everywhere, and behind her was a pin board with multiple different To-do lists on it.

Both of you were out of costume, desks facing each other. Her's was facing the window, back against the wall while yours was the exact opposite. Your desk was neat with just a single file on it while her's looked like a tornado hit.
There was a difference in clothing too. She was out of costume but still only wore a T-shirt and shorts, while you wore your school uniform and only had your tie loosely slung around your shoulders.

"Since we aren't in public, you can call me by my actual name. What do you prefer I call you?" She asked you, grabbing a cup of tea for the two of you.

"You can call me Y/N, I'm fine with that," you smiled at her as you read through your case file.

"In that case you can call me Rumi. Rumi Usagiyama," she grinned back at you, handing you your steaming mug of tea.

Seemingly hours passed, both of you doing your own work with minimal talking. Until you realised something.

"Rumi-San, I know this case. Isn't this the unsolved kidnapping case from a while back? I heard the cops abandoned it," you pointed out.

"Case QR3J25T-X, yes. It was abandoned, but now, with LoV sightings the child was reported to be seen. Mutated, but seen," she nodded in agreement as she explained.

"Mutated?" You asked in confusion.

"The boy is 16, as you read, and had a wing quirk. He disappeared 6 months ago, no traces, but the new sighting describes him as a human and bird like mutation with extremely thick skin," she tried explaining. It was difficult, but after the USJ, any victim that didn't get it was plain dense.

"Rumi-San, have you heard of Nomu?" You hesitantly asked.

The look on her face was enough to say it all. The winged 16 year old boy, was dead and only a tool for villains now.

"Congratulations on solving your first case," your mentor mumbled, face visibly ashen as the realisation sank in.

"You couldn't do anything about it, he was dead before we received the case," you pointed out. It didn't make the situation better, death was death, but at the very least Mirko wouldn't blame herself for it.

"Right. We've been sitting here for 2 hours, you up for parkour?" She smirked, her spunk returning just as quickly as it had left.

You quickly agreed, mostly because the idea of jumping over hurdles seemed fun. You changed into your UA sports uniform and followed Mirko to another room.

The room was, as expected, filled with hurdles of different shapes and sizes, multiple sorts of training equipment some of which you'd never seen, and of course many comfy mats.

"You sure the uniform won't get too hot? It's a lot of training and you'll definitely be sweating buckets after an hour," Mirko raised an eyebrow at your attire.

The rabbit hero herself was only wearing shorts and a sports bra, paired with sneakers and a beautiful braid in her snow white hair. If she'll get hot after an hour, there was a good 90% chance you'd faint after 10 minutes. Probably because you hit your head on something but that's not important now, is it?

You made your way to your room and found a spare change of clothes you had stored. Since you weren't sure how steady the weather would be, you packed 2 sets of both summer and winter attire and 2 sets of gym clothing. One, was the one you had on, supplied by the school. The one you packed was a pair of shorts and a shirt.

Quickly changing into your newly found attire, you made your way back to the training room Mirko set up for the two of you.

Upon seeing your entrance, she gave you a towel and two water bottles for later before proceeding to explain the rules.

"Now, rules are simple. Always be moving and don't be on the ground for more than 5 seconds. With the way the objects are scattered, that should be manageable. Course starts here and ends at the pull up bars there. When you get there do as many pull ups as you can. Quirk usage is not allowed. We'll do one run through without and one with minimal, the least possible, quirk usage and time the difference," she explained, stopwatch on the ready.

You prepared yourself, unsure how to begin. You'd never done the sport before so you weren't sure if you should sprint or pace yourself. You decided for the latter.

A smart decision really, since once you finished leaping over hurdles and mats, you could easily jump onto the bars and give 20. Your exhaustion and strain was visible but you still jumped off the bar elegantly and sprinted to the end.

"Not bad Y/N-Chan. 10 minutes to complete the course, pull ups not counted. You done this before?" She asked, marking your timings and records on her clipboard.

"Nope. I just jump around on clouds when I get on and off so I got the habit I think," you shrugged it off.

"In that case, let's try it with your quirk," she nodded.

Needless to say, you score improved by a lot since you used wind for a lot of uplift. By the end, you could do 50 pull ups and sprinted over to her, wind pushing you along the entire way.

"5 minutes, nice," Mirko grinned at your improvement. You were less out of breath than in the first one as well, what with already being used to the course and having the help of your quirk this time.

"Alright, that's enough training for today. It's already 7, so go change and we can eat dinner or just relax or something afterwards," she told you while you sipped your water and wiped your forehead.

"Oh one more thing, I'd like you to do something like this every day. Any form of quirkless training like pushups, pullups or anything where an improvement will be visible," Mirko requested.

"I will," you promised her.

"Good. We'll get your muscle mass and strength up, I'm assuming that'll help your quirk as well," she grinned, ruffling your already messed up hair.

"That sounds good to me! I promise I'll improve," you smirked at the seeming challenge set for you.

A promise to your idol was one you wouldn't break. Ever.

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