Chapter 58: a sister's vow

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You sighed and opened your dorm room door, decreasing the wind circulation so the boy behind you wouldn't be swept off his feet.

"You've got some nerve acting like you're fine when you clearly aren't," he scoffed, taking a seat on a cloud.

"Don't go giving me advise when we haven't talked outside of class in months," you snarled in response. "I'm fine."

"We both know we needed distance, being together only reminded both of us of-" he broke off, too scared to continue.

You sighed again, collapsing into his arms, wrapping your arms around him as you buried your head into the crook of his neck.

The blonde pulled you closer, brushing his fingers through your hair.

"Sorry," you mumbled.

"It's not your fault damnit," he grumbled, the eyeroll evident in his tone of voice.

"Well I shouldn't have distanced myself," you shrugged.

"Yeah well we're both unstable jackasses," he scoffed. "Now, what's up?"

You shook your head and stood up, not wanting to talk about it. Though the boy's determination was useful in many other things as well.

"I'm not stupid Y/N-chan," Bakugo said, crossing his arms over his chest. "You aren't happy, you're faking it. And we both know that if you're faking it, something bad happened."

You grimaced, though opened the door.

"Goodnight Katsuki-kun," you smiled. "I suggest you get some sleep."

The boy grumbled though left the room nonetheless, making it plenty clear that the discussion was far from over.

You turned around and closed the door, instantly sitting down as you leaned against it, and began crying into your knees.

While you never showed it, you'd been through enough in the past few days. You'd gone through hell and back, only to lose a mentor and be broken up with.

Yet you still masked it with a smile.

People didn't need to know you were crying inside, you were one of the strongest people. They didn't need to see your weak and vulnerable side, it'd make you seem even more pathetic.

For the first time since you moved into dorms, you pulled an all nighter for a reason other than studying. You stayed at the balconies, watching as the colours changed through the night until the beautiful pink hues streaked over the dark blue background.

It would've been magical, if it weren't for the fact that you felt so lonely. You were constantly surrounded by people, yet closed yourself off as soon as you felt uncomfortable. As a result, it often left a lonely feeling in your chest.

Now that you couldn't confide in the one person who knew you better than you knew yourself, that made it worse.

You sighed and decided to go for a quick stroll in the U.A grounds. The school had a nice forest that was always cool early mornings, so you headed there, only to be met with a sharp gust of wind.

"What the hell?" You mumbled, diverting the wind.

Upon further investigation, you noticed Midoriya training with All Might.

"You know, you're doing a terrible job at keeping a secret," you groaned at their obliviousness. "Why the hell are you training at 5 AM?"

"You know?" All Might asked, turning his attention to Midoriya. "I thought-"

"She found out," he explained. "We're working on a new move, trying to up my abilities."

"Wind, huh?" You raised an eyebrow. "Knock me over, then it's strong enough."

The boy took the challenge and stood in front of you, combat ready, while you stood there nonchalantly, waiting for something to happen.

He sent multiple flicks with his fingers, attempting to sway you with pure wind pressure, though you remained as steady as a tree.

Each one you redirected into the forest, making sure all stray gusts weakened as much as possible. With the force Midoriya put into his attacks, even the stray gusts were enough to knock over any unsuspecting person. You were lucky, since you had a wind quirk and you were using this to release steam.

Though Midoriya didn't need to know that.

"Your attacks are so fucking predictable, at least try to surprise me," you groaned, redirecting another gust.

Before he could attack again, you checked your watch.

"7 already. I'm leaving you then, I'm off to get breakfast," you shrugged, heading away.

The Saturday morning was slow. You'd prepared breakfast for yourself, only to wake up the entirety of 1-A in the process, and therefore made breakfast for them as well.

Afterwards, you were in the common room, listening to the ideas that sprouted while giving in some of your own.

"Guys, Eri's here!" Uraraka called, rushing in with a wide grin.

You smiled instantly, glad the child was let out again and on a short visit here.

Following her, you came across Kirishima, Tsu and Midoriya who were next to the girl, while Mirio was trying to hide in a bush.

You grinned at the young girl, who was wearing an adorable dress, and dropped down to give her a hug.

"N/N-chan," she gasped at your sight, wrapping her arms around you.

"How are you?" You whispered, letting go but still sitting down to her eye level.

"It feels nice, not being scared all the time. Knowing they won't kill you," she whispered, clutching her handbag.

Your heart clenched at her words and you wrapped her in a hug once more.

"We'll keep you safe, promise. I'll teach you how to defend yourself, how to fight, and I'll always keep you safe," you mumbled, hoping she'd eventually have the normal childhood she deserved.

"Like an elder sister?" Kirishima asked, joining in on the hug.

"Like her elder sister," you agreed, smiling.

"Is it nice having an elder sister?" The young girl asked, to which Tsu responded.

"It's not always the best, but it's nice knowing you've got someone you can count on, kero," she smiled, patting Eri's head.

Midoriya and Mirio then took her along for a tour of the school, which you decided not to join.

"Hey," Kirishima approached you as you headed inside.

You turned around, waiting for him to start talking. The boy was hesitating, trying to word his sentence in a sensitive manner, that much was clear.

"You'll be a great big sis," he grinned.

"I hope so," you sighed, stuffing your hands into your pockets. "That girl deserves a childhood and I will sacrifice myself if I can give her the life she needs. The life she should've had."

With that, you stalked off into Heights Alliance.

While you never controlled your recklessness with Hatsume, since you knew she could adapt quickly, you were instantly tamed by the young child. She'd had you wrapped around her finger and she didn't even know it.

You wouldn't die for her.

You'd live for her.

Question of the day: favourite quote from this book?

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