Chapter 9: Golden Opportunity

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"So, who is this?" Eda asked as she threw the body into a hole she dug, and began filling it with dirt.

"The Bat Queen. Essentially what you humans call a 'vampire'. She's an evil demon that feeds on the blood of Palismans, which is magic." Luz then shivered. "I can't believe she hypnotized me! I feel so...WRONG."

"Understandable. You sure you're ok?"

"Yeah! I'm fine!" Luz said before seeing Otto come out of her staff. She smiled and nuzzled the tiny otter. "Don't worry. She's not coming back."

Otto smiled before hugging his owner with his tiny arms and then went back into the staff, falling asleep in the process.

Luz then yawned. "Speaking of, I better get back to bed. I have school."

"Well, would you mind helping me fill this hole up a bit?" Eda asked. "I'm not as young as I used to be."

"You sure you're not an old lady?" Luz laughed as she grabbed a shovel and began filling The Bat Queen's grave. "I feel kinda wrong doing this. Aren't I supposed to be a...superhero or something?"

"Well, even superheroes do pretty messed up things. Half the time, their parents are evil." Eda cackled before she kept filling the hole with dirt.

Luz laughed. "That sounds like a hoot." She then smirked adorably. "Get it?"

Eda sighed. "Yes. I get it."

The next morning, Luz practically had to rush out of the car when Eda dropped her off. She didn't want to be late on her second day!

'WHY DID WE HAVE TO BURY THE BAT QUEEN AT 11:00 PM!?!? COULDN'T WE HAVE JUST WAITED?!' Luz screamed in her mind as Eda drove off.

Luz kept running and running until she bumped into someone and fell. She held her head before looking up.

It was Boscha...she didn't at all seem happy. Which made sense. She was with two other girls, who were clearly just playing a mean facade.

"So. You're the new girl?" Boscha asked, sounding annoyed with existence itself.

Luz didn't speak. She just tried to get up, but Boscha shoved her back down.

"Ah, ah, ah! Let me speak." Boscha snarled.

Luz just clenched her fist. She ALREADY wanted to tear her hair out. But she listened, refusing to speak though.

"I don't know WHAT you did to turn Amity against me when I was trying to establish the hierarchy of this place." Boscha said. "But I don't like it. You cost me a lot."

"What are you? Some kind of tyrant?" Luz growled.

"Oooh, feisty!" Boscha laughed. "But to put it simply? Yup."

Luz's eyes widened. But mainly because she was still new to the human world and didn't know if Boscha was actually telling the truth or not.

"Girls?" Boscha asked before she was handed two cups of...some kind of fizzy liquid.

Luz was a little confused. Was that acid? Vomit? Urine? More acid? Brown acid? Some kind of acid? Blood?

Then, Boscha poured the glass onto Luz's hat. Luz cried out. "HEY! STOP THAT!"

"One cup down." Boscha said as she grabbed the other cup. "Two to go." She then splashed it at Luz.

Luz covered her face, wiping her eyes. But at least it wasn't acid. But oh, how she wanted to punch Boscha. But like Willow said, fighting only lead to more fighting.

She just hoped someone would-

Then? There was a small flash. Luz turned and then saw...Amity.

Boscha grinned. "Hey, Ami! What's with the phone?" She asked, still thinking Amity was on her side.

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