"You should get a guy. Then you'll know how wonderful life can be." Then she put an arm around my shoulder and dragged me into a café.
"I'm not really interested."
"You're never interested, Elle." Jess said while pursing her lips.

"That's not it," I replied curtly. My memory wandered to a certain pair of grey eyes. But I immediately shook these thoughts away.
"But what are we actually here for? You told me you wanted to show me something important."

Jess started to grin again as she pushed me into a free booth. Loud chattering could be heard left and right.
"Well," she started, raising my suspicions. "I'm going to introduce you to my new boyfriend."
After ending her words, she excitedly clapped into her hands.

"Damn, that's sudden. Why didn't you tell me before?" I laughed. This girl was far too random.
" 'Cause it's a happy surprise." She grinned and suddenly waved at something behind her while her eyes started to sparkle in a clear blue. I turned around just to see a blending figure walking towards us.

His platinum blonde hair lightly fell onto his forehead while the intense blue eyes glimmered in a dangerously playful light. And then he grinned, showing a perfect set of teeth as he closed the distance between us - one hand in the pocket of his leather jacket.

I froze as he looked at me. The same intensity I've already seen twice. It was him. The guy with the dangerously weird vibes. Don't tell me -

"Nate," Jess waved. "This is my best friend Elle." The guy instantly increased his smile - if that was even possible, flashing his perfect white teeth at me. I shuddered. No way in hell. A slight glint of something unfamiliar was glowing amidst the blue of his eyes as he intently stared at me.

"Nice to meet you, Elle." He rolled my name on his lips as he reached out his hand.
"Likewise," I mumbled while reluctantly shaking it. To be honest, I didn't know what to think right now.

Each fiber in my body screamed that this guy was more than just trouble. But why was he with Jess? It seemed lika a very strange coincidence.

He smirked as he took a seat next to Jess, laying an arm around her shoulder to which she started to blush.

"You know, what's really awesome?", she said while laughing. A pearly sound filling the room. I put on a smile, trying to ignore Nate's intense stare. Why was this guy always looking at me like that anyways? It was just creepy.

"What is it?", I asked.
"Nate has connections." A bright grin spreading out on her face again. I raised an eyebrow.
"To whom exactly?"
"Elle - he is Alessandro's acquintance! The Alessandro, did you hear?" She nearly squealed as she said that, looking at Nate with shining blue eyes.

Alessandro was her favorite celebrity. Some Italian guy. But as far as I knew, he had an agency contract with SKIA. So how was Nate acquinted with someone like that?

I tensed up as I thought about it. Didn't Zero say that SKIA was actually covered by the government? But then again, it was clearly stated as an entertainment industry. This left me with only two options: SKIA being an entertainment industry was a farce or Zero lied.

And to be honest, I couldn't differentiate between truth or lie with the lack of information I had and it surely frustrated me. So many questions but no answers.

"Elle?" I jerked up from my thoughts. "Yes?"
Jess looked at me, her eyes slightly worried. "Are you alright? Maybe I shouldn't have dragged you here on such a short notice. Maybe -" 

I immediately cut her off with a reassuring smile. "No, I was just kind of lost in thoughts - just the usual."
As I said that, she slightly narrowed her eyes, knowing that there was more behind it than I showed. But then again, she knew me too well to not press things any further.

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