I knew he was right, but the adrenaline pumping through my veins told me to run. To escape. It had been a long while since I had last had a fight or flight response so strong. 

A frustrated groan sounded to my left. I turned my head slightly, keeping Cassius in my peripheral vision, to find Axel with his eyes pinned to me. His chest rose and fell rapidly in a pant as his eyes trailed down my neck, paused as he eyed my breasts, before continuing down my body to my bare legs. My dress had shifted when Cassius had tossed me onto the bed, revealing more of my light brown skin for him to eye. 

"Cassius," he growled out. His eyes were terrifying. The intensity of the silver was so great they seemed to be illuminated. They locked onto mine and I instantly felt the fight leave my body as it sagged into the bed.

Cassius glanced in his direction before sighing. "The better you behave, pet, the sooner it will be over."

Before I could register what was happening, he had pushed my dress up to my stomach and shoved his hand into my underwear. He didn't spare a moment. He circled my clit a couple of times before dragging his fingers over my entrance a few times. To my utter humiliation, I grew wet.

He adjusted his hold on my neck, which shifted my head slightly and disconnected my eyes from Axels, breaking the spell. I tried jerking my hips away from him, but that only made him tighten his hold around my neck and push me further into the mattress. His arm holding me down was stretched straight as he stood above me, The arm violating me was bent at the elbow, giving him a better angle to shove a finger deep inside me.

"Stay still," he warned.

But I hadn't received as many punishments as I had in my life because I followed commands well.

I clawed at his hand that was cutting off my oxygen. The wetness beneath my fingertips let me know I drew blood. 

Cassius didn't react in the slightest, he just unhurriedly pumped his finger, increasing and spreading the wetness before adding another finger.

When darkness started to spot the edges of my vision, my fight against his hold grew stronger. He must have noticed the urgency on my face because his grip loosened just enough to let me gasp down shallow breaths. A small mercy as the pace of his fingers picked up.

Despite the fear, humiliation, pain, and desperation. I felt my body reacting to his touch. I could feel the heat of the flush painting my skin. I wanted to hate every moment of Cassius's touch, but old habits were hard to kill. Especially those forged during dire circumstances. They were too ingrained in who I was now. 

Well, that was the excuse I told myself for the small moan that slipped past my lips when he swept his thumb over my clit. Or maybe it was a product of the oxygen deprivation I had just faced. Either way, my body was reacting to the unwanted stimulation.

The whole time he worked me with his fingers, his eyes stayed locked on my face, not straying once. His face was set in stone, unmoving and emotionless, as his eyes seemed to observe every minuscule movement I had in reaction to what he was doing. He captured every, twitch, suppressed moan, and hitch of breath I had, adjusting his movement to get the reactions he wanted.

It didn't take long before a ball of tightness began forming in my lower abdomen. My breathing grew heavier as my hands now clung to his around my neck for different reasons.

As the tension inside me grew, so did the growls and moans coming from Axel. 

"Cass," he growled like an hungered animal.

Cassius didn't look towards him, his brows frowned the slightest as he increased the speed of his thrusts, his fingers hammering into me at this point.

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