Blackberry looks down at the floor, uncomfortable realizing that breaking rules with the Fresh 404 and Chara wasn't something he wanted to talk about. When did the kid become a trusted partner?

"Just facilitating a reset so that Hatchet and his brother have a better baseline for treatment. We want to move them up to HorrorTale #0 to stabilize the AU chain, but in doing so they become ours and we won't leave them without medical treatment." Fresh 404 smiled that bright blue empty smile of his. While he talks, Fresh 404 sticks a fruit bowl into his inventory.

Reaper hands Geno a tissue so he can wipe the blood off his face. "That probably explains why the skeletons brothers from HorrorTale #15 were suddenly off both my and Grim's list last night."

Sasin frowns at his empty coffee mug. "I take it you are bringing them home? Are they good with bitties? Horror type bitties can be a bit feral though Moonlight has done a good job with the ones in the clan they still need to hunt."

Fresh 404 gently picks Sasin up and brings him up to socket level. "That is a good question Sasin and the answer is we don't know yet but there are plenty of deer in the woods around the castle we will make it clear what he can and can't hunt. We will make it as safe as we can." Opening a portal to council HQ he sets Sasin on Reaper's shoulder. "Switch to Decaf for the rest of the day Sasin and we won't tell Doc."

Geno laughs and pushes one of the baskets towards Reaper standing and picking up the smaller one. "I will hold you to having lunch with us."

Reaper hands Geno the second basket and picks him up princess style. "See you shortly." He nods to Fresh 404 and goes through the portal with Geno complaining about being carried.

After the portal closes Blackberry gives Fresh 404 a very odd look. "You are very tense around them."

"We are trying to, like uncle Geno we really are. We care about him. He is family and his kids will be treasured cousins, but it is hard to forget he rejected and attacked mom every time he tried to talk to him. Dream is easy to accept and like he was trapped by his codes but loved dad or at list how he remembered him." Fresh 404 opens a portal to HorrorTale #15.

Blackberry followed Fresh 404 through the portal thinking about what he said. The kid was making a real effort with everyone from Fell who he finally got to face his consequences. To those who he viewed as family. "You are showing more compassion and patients than we deserve."

"That is because it isn't about the council, it is about who I choose to be as a person." Having stepped out of the portal by the ruins door Fresh 404 led the way to Hatchets station only he wasn't there.

"Where is Hatchet?" Blackberry looks around worried that something went wrong with the reset.

"The accessible save point was shortly after his skull injury he could be anywhere but is likely at home. Papyrus is probably packing." Fresh 404 keeps walking dodging a trap or two along the wall.

Blackberry looks around as they walk, noticing a few monsters around this time but they all looked thin and a little feral. "It is more dangerous here now."

"Yes but only the most desperate would think of attacking us. We are healthy and at full strength they can't take Sans even starved and injured." Fresh 404 watches a dog monster scurry into hiding. "Don't let your guard down, they have nothing to lose."

Blackberry sidestepped a trap and nearly fell into one beside it, saved from falling into the spiked pit trap by rainbow strings yanking him away just in time. "Thanks, Fresh 404."

"No problem, maybe we should shortcut? The traps are kind of densely packed." Fresh 404 gives Blackberry a worried look.

Blackberry frowns, "I am not sure. It would be safer but if he is not home we might miss him."

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