Chapter 9

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-BittyTale #4-

Fresh 404 steps out of his portal closing it behind him, mildly amused at finding Fell frozen confronted by a pair of Boss bitties demanding he release Edge immediately and Edge looked stunned and close to crying at their protective behavior.

Sans walks out of the clinic hearing the commotion out front.  "Fresh 404 good timing their first nebulizer treatment is complete and Moonlight is cranky because you left without telling him first."

Fresh 404 nodded, "we apologize for leaving unexpectedly.  We are afraid uncle Dream's health remains fragile as does his emotional state.  Edge and Fell are council members.  I am required to have someone with me from the council when working.  Please convince the Boss bitties not to cause too much damage even if they are right."

"Where the heck are we? And what the heck are those?"  Fell demands peering down at the bitties.

Edge wipes his sockets. "BittyTale, we are in a BittyTale and those are bitties.  Fell type Papyrus bitties also known as Boss bitties."

"Very good sounds like you know a few things about bitties." Sans smiles down at Edge.

Fresh 404 steps over Edge on the way to the clinic leaving the fell brothers to sort themselves out.  "Fell you are on notice if you hurt even one bitty we will make you wish we had just hurt you."

Fell watches them walk away before looking back down at the bitties. "So they are like tiny versions of me?"  He squints, "why are they fussing about the lazy pile of garbage?"

Edge looks away, his jaw clenched in a fixed grin that showed none of his thoughts.  "Bitties thought very much like, their AU counterparts do not always react the same way."

Sans smiles and bends down offering the Boss bitties his hand. While looking over Edge.  "Probably because they have standards especially when it comes to the treatment of Edgy or Cherry bitties.  Your brother looks like the AU equivalent of an Edgy.  If you were another bitty treating him like that when he was already in that condition." Sans shakes his head. "The kid would have had to rescue you instead of warn you."

With some grumbling about Fell the Boss bitties accepted a lift up to a walkway that tunnels through the wall behind the counter.  "Keep him away from ours or he is going down."  It was hard to tell which one spoke but they both nodded before walking away.

Fell starts for the door Fresh 404 went through.  "What ever I couldn't care less what some weak useless copies think.  I have work to do."

Edge just stared at the floor grumbling that they weren't so weak that they had to put others down.  Maybe if he had been looking he would've seen it coming he might have even protected Fell like he always had.

The bone attack that pierced Fell's wrist causing him to drop Edge seemed to come out of nowhere.  As did the mini gaster blaster's that rammed him in the back of the knees knocking him down to his knees.  But the blue bone attacks that keep him in place most definitely came from the local Sans.  "Now council member Fell let me  make something clear.  That kid, the one you voted to feed to a parasite, is my friend's kid and if you ever hurt him you will learn just how much damage a real judge can do."

"Sans! Get in here! Something is wrong with Starlight!"  The doubled voice of Fresh 404 rumbled through the building demanding action.

Edge rolls over and jerks upright in time to see the local Sans shortcut out in response to the kids call leaving Fell hurt on the ground.  "Well funk I thought HorrorTale was going to be the difficult AU today."

"Shut up and get these attacks out of me."  Fell turns his head to glare at Edge.

"I am not sure I should. I think the kid will keep that promise if we make trouble. I think we should just wait for the kid."  Ignoring his own advice Edge got up and started freeing Fell.

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