Chapter 38

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The next morning, the three of them headed further down, led by Rykler. It didn't take long at all to reach the lower levels, and Angela knew they would be going lower before they got where they needed to go.

"Everyone stay close now. Can't have the three of ya gettin' lost." Rykler called.

It was so dark that even Damon couldn't see, and he briefly thought about reconsidering Rykler's offer from the night before. He pushed the thought away, it was too late now. Rykler's bright green eyes glowed and lit the way as they went further and further. Damon stayed quiet, listening for anything that might come up behind them or in front of them. Although he doubted it, the gargoyles kept things very organized down here.

"How long do you think this might take?" Evan asked from the back.

"No idea, Evan. As long as it takes." Damon answered quietly.

Angela stayed silent. She was relieved, knowing that something they were doing did not rest entirely on her ability to do it alone. Being stuck in complete darkness was not what she'd had in mind for the day, however. She stayed directly in line, making sure not to step out of line, afraid there was a ledge she couldn't see. Not being able to see anything at all made her feel slightly claustrophobic, but she kept herself quiet. She was proud of herself for only having to rest a few times as they moved along, knowing this was important.

After some immeasurable amount of time, they finally heard pained shouts and cries below them.

"We're almost there, Mister Damon."

"What's down there, Rykler?" Evan asked.

"It's all the souls we sent down here, Evan. They're down here til they've paid for their mistakes. After that, we let 'em go. Never feels good though, that's the point." Rykler answered.

"I hope we can find him quickly, then." Angela said, fighting the urge to cover her ears from the piercing wails and screams.

"Don't worry, Miss Angela. I know right where he is. The hardest thing for you guys is going to be getting him in that box Evan found for you."

"Where did you put the box, Angela?" Damon asked.

"Right here in my bag."

As they looked around, Damon kept an eye out for the man they were looking for. This wasn't a pleasure tour. But if this is the place they sent Michael, he was glad of it. Perhaps Chambers was down here, too. Compared to this place, the cells where he and Angela had found Mary a few days before were a picnic. Mary's had been dark and cold, uncomfortable for sure. These cells however, redefined Hell, if that could ever be done. Looking through the bars of the cells as they passed by, there was a bright blue fire that burned in each one, the occupants having to stand in the fire as it burned. Some simply sat on their cots, a rest period from the burning, Damon guessed. Not that his father deserved a break, but that was not the focus. Finally, Rykler stopped in front of a cell.

"Here ya go. When you're finished, let me know. I'll be waiting for you at the front."

"Thank you."

Damon opened the cell, and the three of them went inside. Damon was not surprised to see that his brother would not look at them. Angela and Evan looked at the emaciated being before them, wondering how much of a fight this man could put up against them. Angela carefully slid her backpack off and took the granite box out.

The Disgraced Angel Book Two: The Dark GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now