Chapter 32

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Angela was just as shocked as her father when she saw her living quarters for the first time. The furniture alone made her feel like everyone here thought of them as some kind of royalty. It was a bit more than she was used to, but she couldn't help but admit to herself that she liked it. When she saw her room for the first time, she was just as shocked as Damon had been. She did notice something slightly different, however.

"Where's something, you know, a chest of drawers, a wardrobe, something to put clothes on?" she asked.

"You won't need one, Miss Angela. We'll lay out your clothes for you. Give some of the others something to do, if you know what I mean."

Angela nodded and thanked the little blue gargoyle who had led her around for the last little while. For whatever reason, they had all been waiting so long for her father's arrival, they all needed some kind of job to do. Even if that job included laying out clothing for them. She would much prefer to dress herself in her own clothing, but she wouldn't take the joy the little gargoyle felt at the moment away just yet.

"I'll leave you two to get settled." The gargoyle said with a toothy, yet happy smile.

"Wait. I never asked. What's your name?"

"I'm Jessia-Lynn. Probably better if you just call me Jessia, though. Everyone else does."

"Okay, Jessia. Thank you."

"Let me know if you two need anything."

Jessia quietly closed the door behind her. Angela smiled at Evan, who was still looking around at everything in the room. When they were alone, Evan finally spoke up.

"Well, everybody's a bit more... excited than I thought they would be here."

"No kidding."

"Makes sense, if you think about it. If this place was created after your dad fell to Earth, it makes sense anything and anyone down here would be waiting for him to finally come here."

Angela lowered her voice before she spoke again, trying to make sure that if anyone outside the door was there, it was harder to hear them.

"My dad's not into that shit, though. You know that. By the time we are ready to get out of here, they won't want him to go."

"Don't worry so much about that. Damon knows what he's doing. Besides, weren't we supposed to go and find him?"


"Then let's go. My point is, for now, focus on finding wherever we can make you that damn candle."

Angela chuckled, took his hand, and they walked out the door. They would get more of a chance to look around the room later.

Much to their surprise, the other room from before was completely empty. It was Angela's turn to question where her father would be in a place like this. Evan however, rushed forward with a grin on his face, already thinking of ways to fill the room while they were there.

"Can you imagine what could be done with this room? There's a lot of things that could be done here. Tables, chairs, maybe a space where everyone can fit calmly into this room. You, know, no clamoring, no yelling, nobody rushing around trying to get everyone's attention." He observed. In the months he'd spent on Earth, Evan slowly realized how much he liked the idea of decorating a room, and what could be done with the space given. He hadn't said anything to Angela yet, too nervous to say anything definite. Something he could do here with his newfound interest.

The Disgraced Angel Book Two: The Dark GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now