Chapter 14

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Evan had run from the gateway he used all the way to their apartment. It wasn't until tonight that he realized the portal he used was mere blocks away from their apartment; they wouldn't have to go too far after all. The gateway was a doorway that led from up there to an empty alley. Evan sometimes wondered how it was no one had ever seen him coming or going. And it was always easier going up than it was coming down. Coming down was always a hard fall to the ground, and he always had to pick himself back up. When he reached Damon and Angela's apartment, he was glad that Angela let him in without question. For the moment, he was out of breath.

"Dad! Evan's here!" Angela called.

Damon quickly appeared from the bathroom with a surprised look on his face. He hadn't expected Evan to return so soon.

"Evan, is everything alright? I didn't expect you here so soon. Are you in trouble upstairs?" he asked, worried.

Evan shook his head, still trying to catch his breath. Angela invited him to take a seat on the couch and relax a moment.

"I have something I think both of you will want to know." Evan answered, taking the library book out of the green cloth bag he was using to carry it in. He quickly flipped through the pages, making sure there wasn't any new marks on the pages that would be considered damage when he returned it a few days from now. Evan let out a relieved sigh. He didn't see anything.

"What is it?" Damon, asked, his eyes brightened with a little hope. Was this an answer to his questions? Evan gestured to the book he brought with him.

"I don't think you have to worry about Angela dying a few decades from now, Damon." He said with a smile. Angela was stunned and said nothing. A happy and relieved smile spread across Damon's face.

"I borrowed this book from the library, specifically on "demons" and whether or not they are a myth. At first I didn't think it would help, it had nothing to say other than that demon children weren't real."

"Demon' children? You mean someone like me?" Angela asked. Evan nodded. Angela turned to face her father, feeling slightly annoyed that she knew nothing about this.

"And someone like Damon too, apparently." Evan added. Then he turned to face Damon "You never told me your mother was Mary."

"Mary? As in the Mary?" Angela asked. How much did she still not know about her father? Damon nodded and said,

"After what happened, I thought it would be best we got the answers to those questions as soon as we could. I didn't want you to worry about it so much anymore." He said. After another thought he added, "And yes, Mary, the mother of Jesus, is also my mother. And before either of you say anything; it makes the two of us half-brothers." He finished.

"Anyway, I looked a little further into the book, and I found this." Evan spoke up again, and opened the book to the page with the paragraph he'd found. Damon and Angela moved closer to read it. By the time they were done reading it, they were both smiling. Damon could feel Angela's enormous relief as she finished reading.

"I'm not going to die." She said slowly, the realization finally sinking in.

"I told you we would find the answer." He said. Angela moved over and hugged him with joy and relief. She was so happy that she even moved over and hugged Evan gratefully. Evan blinked in surprise and then looked over at Damon, who was still grinning. Evan took this for approval, which it was; and put his arms around her, hugging her in return. After all, it would be rather awkward if he didn't hug her back. He could briefly smell the shampoo in her hair, sweet; like flowers. It was obvious now that whatever had bothered them after one of his visits was no longer a concern.

The Disgraced Angel Book Two: The Dark Guardianحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن