Chapter 6

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"What do you think, Angela?" Damon asked.

Angela looked back at Evan one last time before answering. "He sounds honest enough."

"I believe he is. And if he isn't, he's lied to himself so much he believes he's telling the truth." Damon agreed.

"In any case, he's the closest lead to anything we've needed. I think we need to take the chance."

"What makes you think we can trust him?" Damon asked, curious as to her reasons for trusting an angel they had only known for an hour.

"Because he wants what we've been wanting all this time. He knows what we're doing and what we're doing it for. If he can really help us, I think we at least owe him a chance to prove himself." She said.

"And this has nothing to do with the fact he gave you a very rare compliment?" he asked. There was no dispute that Angela had grown into a beautiful young woman. Damon had known since her infancy that she would be a beautiful young woman. But if Evan Zachary thought he could get to either of them by using his daughter to do it, he could think again.

Seriously, Dad, no. I think we should give him a real chance." Angela insisted.

Damon stood silent, considering what he'd heard in the boy's head. It all sounded true, and there was no lie in his eyes, that much he could see was the truth. Evan Zachary wasn't much older than Damon had been himself when he had been banished. A few years older than Damon had been, yes; but no more. For him to still be "up there" without being caught as he had been, the boy had to be either very smart or very crafty. Perhaps this boy had found a few passages he hadn't in his time or he was a better liar. Who knew? Perhaps Angela was correct, and they should give Evan a chance. Besides, if they were going to get that piece of angelic cloth, if they were to get anywhere near where they needed to be to get to it; they needed to find a way back up anyway. Not to mention a way to return safely home. Damon looked back at Evan, who kept his head down and waited patiently for the two of them to go back to the table. Why not give him a chance? And if he did betray them, Damon could very well make him pay the price for it.

"Should you tell him or should I?" he asked.

"He'd probably want to hear it from you most. If it were me, I wouldn't care just as long as I got the answer I wanted." Angela said honestly.

"Well, Evan, we've decided to give you a chance." Damon told him as they sat down again.

Evan's green eyes lit up and he smiled like a child at a toy store, given the chance to pick out as many toys as he wanted.

"Thank you, thank you. I won't let either of you down, I swear."

"I expect you know we'll hold you to that."

"Of course, of course. I wouldn't expect anything less." Evan agreed. In any other circumstance Damon might have shaken hands with the kid, but he was so energetic that he wondered if he was to offer Evan his hand, he might not get it back unless it fell off his arm. Angela watched the two of them and couldn't help but smile. She had seen very few people with such liveliness. Maybe having him tag along wouldn't be so horrible after all.

"And by the way, my daughter is Angela, I'm Damon. None of that Prince of Darkness crap." Better to clear that up right now. Damon had never looked for fancy titles; he wasn't going to start now.

"Whatever you want, Damon. At this point, you're the boss."

At this point, Angela couldn't help but laugh. Evan was kissing ass just a little bit, even if he didn't mean to.

The Disgraced Angel Book Two: The Dark GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now