Chapter 13

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Due to the fact that most of the information Evan had brought on his last visit, the next few weeks seemed to crawl. While Evan was up there looking for answers, Damon was on Earth trying to find answers as well. Angela had no idea that either of them were looking for answers as to how long she may or may not live. Damon knew he should have said something to her, but he didn't want to tell her anything until they had a definite answer. Damon didn't expect to find any answers on Earth. His life was not a movie, and to human beings, there was no such thing as a child whose parents were a demon and a human. Not that Damon hadn't seen his fair share of those movies, and they were all fairly realistic; concerning his view of God. But in the end, these movies were completely off base. If you really wanted to keep your true identity secret, why would you tell several different strangers? He understood what the people in Hollywood were trying to portray, but in general it simply wasn't realistic.

No matter where he looked, Damon couldn't find any answers he knew would be close to the truth. He should have known there wouldn't be any answers on Earth. He hoped that Evan was having more luck than he was...

Evan was having a little more luck than his idol. Whenever he was able to go to the library, he was almost always able to find some kind of useful information. The toughest part was finding the time to go to the library in the first place. Evan's mother almost always had something for him to do, and that was in addition to the chores he was expected to do around Heaven. Some of it he understood, others not so much. This time, he had to be extra careful not to be noticed while he looked for other gateways between Heaven and Earth. A couple days after returning to Heaven after his last visit with Damon and Angela, Evan quickly realized he would have to look for these gateways at night when everyone else would either be asleep or at City Hall. Otherwise, these gateways were usually surrounded by other angels. These gateways were not formally guarded, it was well understood that only a certain number of angels were allowed to go back and forth between here and Earth. But if someone saw him actively looking at these gateways, they would immediately become suspicious. He had to be especially careful that his mother wouldn't catch him sneaking out of the house.

Where would he find at least one of these gateways that were also near Damon and Angela's location? Or at least lead to their location? He supposed the easiest way to bring them in was to use the same gateway he'd been using the last few times. Then he thought better of it. Even if he brought them through this gateway their first time up, it was likely this gateway would be closed after everybody realized Evan had helped them. The best idea was to find at least two more gateways. One that would lead them back down after their first trip, and another, less well known perhaps, that would get them in and out during their second trip here.

For now, Evan focused on the information Damon asked him to find. He didn't imagine it would be easy to find, considering that Jesus Christ was one of the few children like this. It then occurred to him that he hadn't been entirely correct about that statement. In their general worry about Angela, neither of them had considered the fact that Damon himself was someone also born from human and demon relations. Why hadn't they thought of that before? However, there was a difference in the way each had been raised. Not necessarily by who, but where. Damon had been raised here in Heaven. Angela and Jesus had been raised on Earth. This made Evan curious as to whether or not Angela's lifespan would be shorter or longer. What book, if any, would hold the answers they were looking for? Evan walked down to the library, quiet as ever as he entered. The librarian gave him a friendly smile as he walked through the door. He had gotten so used to Evan coming in during the last couple of months Evan no longer needed to ask where each section was. Today however, he needed some direction.

The only problem was that he didn't think he would get any direction for what he was looking for. Evan supposed he would have to use his best guess and common sense. Evan's first thought was to look at the aisle headed "Angelic History and Myth". It sounded a bit basic and expected, but it was Evan's best guess. He looked up and down the aisle, reading the titles of each book he passed by. "The History of the Herald Gabriel", "Matthew, Mark, Luke and John: Who's Book is the Truest?", "Victor the Valiant, The Legend of the Charming Angel", and he couldn't help but notice the title "Demons: Real or a Myth?"As entertaining as these titles were, none of them were what Evan needed. And then another idea came to him. How had he not thought of it before?

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