Chapter 31

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"Whoever you are, it'd be better for you if you made yourself known!" Damon called out.

The cackling continued for a moment before a raspy voice spoke from somewhere they still couldn't see. "He's here! They said he was coming, and it was true! And she's here, too! Fun, fun, fun!"

"I meant it! Tell me who you are." Damon repeated.

The cackling started again. Just as Damon was getting ready to call out one last time. It wasn't exactly settling that he and Angela seem to have been expected. But before he could speak again, the raspy voice spoke up.

"Hey! Down here!"

All three of them looked down and saw a little thick-skinned violet colored gargoyle with black wings. It had large green eyes, the size alone reminding Angela of Gollum from The Lord of the Rings. Evan was too much in awe to speak.

"What are you?" Angela asked, not sure if she found the creature adorable or grotesque.

"What does it look like, Miss Angela? I'm a gargoyle." He answered; a little insulted she couldn't see it plainly.

Damon was starting to lose his patience just a bit. His question hadn't been answered. Add to that the fact this gargoyle already knew his daughter's name, he wanted some answers himself, and it better be now. He took a deep breath.

"Okay, I'm not asking again. Who are you, exactly?"

"My name is Rykler. And I know who you are too, Damon. You're name's really Lucifer, but you prefer to be called Damon for a reason I'll never understand."

"My father gave me that name. I never liked it. So just continue to call me Damon."

"I wouldn't do anything else, sir." Rykler told him, showing him a toothy grin.

"Sir" is not necessary. Just call me Damon."

"You're the boss, so whatever you want."

When no one said anything, Rykler spoke up again.

"For people in such a damn hurry, you guys sure like to take your time asking questions."

"You know why we're here?" Evan asked, hopeful once again.

Rykler let out his cackle of a laugh again. "Of course I do, Evan. We all know why you're here."

"There's more gargoyles down here?" Damon asked.

"Of course there are, Mr. Damon! What did ya I was the only one down here? Now, if you'll all just shut up and follow me, I'll answer what questions I can on our way down."

"Fine." Damon said simply. Rykler was a mouthy little gargoyle, but at least he got straight to the point. Just the way Damon liked it when it concerned something important. Angela followed behind him, feeling skeptical about following a strange gargoyle they didn't know to another place they didn't know. But nothing else they could do. They needed a guide here, and they needed a lot of answers. They followed slowly behind the little gargoyle, being careful not to step in front of him or on him. Rykler was no bigger than the size of a small dog. His black wings did work, but he flew much faster than he walked, and already knew that the three of them would be lost again if he flew off.

"As I said, I know why you're here. Miss Angela has a weird connection to Jesus Christ, and you're down here findin' something that can help you break it. You also came down here to bring Jesus back to his daddy, because Mister Damon made a deal with Him. Good luck getting Him to hold up His end of the deal, but that's none of my business. But ending that stupid connection, however it works, will be better for Miss Angela. Can you tell me whatever that somethin' is you're looking for?"

The Disgraced Angel Book Two: The Dark GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now