Chapter 15

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The one and only problem with realizing that Angela would live forever, was also realizing that not everyone she loved would. How in the world was she ever going to tell her mother that she wasn't going to die, ever? It wasn't exactly something that came up easily into conversation. Angela thought again about what Damon had told her shortly after Lilly's wedding. Some people were able to handle differences and what was abnormal more easily than others. Her mother was easily not one of them. Angela knew her mother looked at her father and saw nothing more than what most did. She saw a being who did nothing but cause sadness and death to everyone he came in contact with. Angela was at least glad that they could be civil in public, because that was probably all she could hope for. For the moment, it was probably better not to tell her anything until they'd finished breaking this damn bond.

"That's probably the better idea, to wait." Damon agreed.

"Dad." She said, slightly annoyed.

"I didn't have to look in your mind to know what you're thinking about, Angela. It's all over your face." He pointed out. Angela let out a sigh. Was it that obvious?

"She's going to hate hearing it one way or the other. And even if I decided to never tell her, she'd notice something was wrong eventually. As if she doesn't already think everything's wrong, anyway. It won't matter when I tell her anyway, she'll hate hearing it." She also considered the fact that her mother might cut her out of her life entirely after hearing this. Damon said nothing about this particular feeling, knowing Lilly wouldn't do such a thing. He was curious to know how much Ross Carter truly knew about Lilly's past however...

Ross Carter was not an invasive man. He knew that Lilly's conversations between Angela and herself were their own. This fact alone did not bother him. What bothered him was the fact that Lilly always appeared so upset after she hung up the phone. Lilly wouldn't tell him very much when the conversations were done, in fact she did her best to appear happy when he knew she was feeling the opposite. After this last phone call however, Ross had never seen his new wife so upset. As they sat down to dinner one night, Lilly still obviously distressed about that last call, Ross couldn't help but ask what was wrong this time.

"Lilly, what's wrong? You've been down in the dumps since your last talk with Angela."

What could she say? "I'm just worried about her, is all."

"Is she in trouble?"

"No, she's not in trouble. But I could tell she doesn't sound well." Lilly answered honestly.

"Does it have something to do with her father? Is that why she won't tell you anything?" Ross asked. He hadn't heard Lilly talk about Angela's father much at all. All he understood was that things had obviously ended badly. It was also apparent that things had ended badly between them and that Lilly had absolutely no wish to talk about him. Ross couldn't help but wonder however whether or not Angela was in some kind of danger.

"Everything has something to do with her father." She said under her breath. Or at least, Lilly thought she'd said that quietly.

"What does that mean? Do I need to talk to either of them?" Ross asked, beginning to feel angry.

"No, no. Damon isn't the kind of person who listens to others very well.

Fuck, anther cryptic answer. This was driving Ross nuts. "Lilly, please stop giving me answers that make no sense, and tell me what the hell is going on." He said.

Lilly let out a deep breath. How long did she think she could keep this a secret from him? "If I tell you, I'm afraid it will drive you crazy." She said.

"This conversation is already driving me crazy." Ross responded. Lilly let out another sigh. How was this conversation going to end this time? The last time she'd had a conversation like this, it had been with her friend Nina Theirs, who had left her house immediately. Lilly never saw Nina alive again after that. But the simple fact was that she couldn't hide this from anymore. Well, her happiness was wonderful while it lasted, Lilly couldn't imagine Ross would want to stay with her after what she was about to say.

"Damon is not the man he claims to be." Lilly started. How in the hell had she started so simply? It made him sound like the least he did was run drugs or launder money. He'd done both of these things before, for all Lilly knew.

"Not many people are." Ross observed.

Lilly let out a sigh of frustration. This was a bad way to start this conversation. There had to be another way to explain this. Looking at Ross, he definitely looked annoyed but he was listening.

"Angela is not a normal girl. She's like her father in a lot of ways. Ways I hoped she wouldn't be. I've known that for a long time."

Ross's eyes softened a little. His green eyes still watched her carefully, trying to understand what his wife was telling him.

"Are you trying to tell me we should try to get her away from him?"

"No. She wouldn't want to go even if we tried. Besides, I know he wouldn't harm her."

"Then what makes him such a bad person? Did he hurt you?" Ross asked.

Lilly understood what he meant when he asked this and shook her head. "He's just very good at hiding who he is."

"Lilly, I don't understand what it is you're trying to tell me. It would really help me if you told me what you're talking about." Ross said honestly, if not a little tired of beating around the bush.

"You won't believe me even if I tell you." Lilly repeated.

"Lilly, please just come out with it."

Lilly took one last deep breath. Here came the end of her marriage. "Damon is the devil, and we need to stay away from him. He's the devil, come down to Earth like the Bible always warns about." She told him. The explanation spilled out of her quickly, just wanting to get it done and over with.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you don't believe me, but that's the truth." She finished. She watched Ross's face, which was like stone. He remained unmoving and Lilly started to worry. She had never seen him do this before. Finally, he started to laugh. Ross apparently did not believe her.

The Disgraced Angel Book Two: The Dark GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now