"Yikes Lottie." She says softly and she places her hand across us and rubs my arm a little, looking at me sympathetically.

I just smile reassuringly.

I think I am almost over it to be honest. Like we're doing good.

"It's all good." I tell her and her hand resumes back to the steering wheel.

"So this is your aunt's gallary?" She asks and I just nod, explaining briefly that she's my mum's friend but I grew up with them referring to her as Aunty Nove.

She smiles and looks at me, her eyes are dark but bright in the winter sun. I just admire them pretty openly.

"You have really pretty eyes." I say softly.

I watch her lips pull up and I mumble a small. "And lips."

"Stop." She laughs, shaking her head at me and I just smile, watching. "You know, I noticed you on my first day."

I grin, watching her side glance at me as she pulls down the seafront road.

"You did?"

"Yeah you had on some costume."

"Oh yeah, the costume for the spring show. We had been trying them on before lunch and I snuck off."

She nods a little. "I watched you at lunch like for a second, you were cuddling one of your friends, like pouring your affection out and it was just cute. But obviously then I still was with Danni".

I smile slightly coyly.

"And then at the party, you were just really hot and I decided to just go for it."

Oh the party. I wince. I definitely wish I had stayed with her. 

"Oh, did you end up hooking up with Scar's brother?"

Solana's eyes widen. "That was her brother?"

I laugh, saying yeah.

She nods. "Yeah I did. I was majorly rebounding though." She says. "I explained that to you, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah you said your girlfriend broke up with you or something?"

"Mhm." The drive from school to the seafront was not long, we were almost there.

"How's the hurt."

She smiles, amused at the way I said it. She shrugged. "Not great, but not terrible. Plus I really enjoy spending time with you. Today has been nice."

"Well, I had a good day too." I agree a little and Solana pulls into the library car park, which was close to the gallery.

"Does your family know about..." She starts and my head falls to the side a little in curiosity about what she was going to say.

"About what?"

"Like are you out to them?"


I nod.

"Yeah I mean, I think so." I say.

We get out of the car and grab our school bags. "What do you mean you think so." She laughs.

"Like I just mean, my mum and dad definitely know, my siblings probably, I don't know. And my other members of the family either know because my parents have said something, or they'll find out when I introduce them to someone who isn't a male."

"Ah I see." She says, smiling slightly. "My dad knows, but my mum doesn't."

"Oh?" I ask.

Solana dresses like she is comfortably out. Not that I think bisexual people have a way that they dress, I just mean like... I don't know what I mean. She has wristbands with the pride colours, and I just always immediately thought that was attractive.

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